pre-miRNA Information
pre-miRNA hsa-mir-10a   
Genomic Coordinates chr17: 48579838 - 48579947
Synonyms MIRN10A, hsa-mir-10a, miRNA10A, mir-10a, MIR10A
Description Homo sapiens miR-10a stem-loop
Comment This human miRNA was predicted by computational methods using conservation with mouse and Fugu rubripes sequences .
RNA Secondary Structure
Associated Diseases

Mature miRNA Information
Mature miRNA hsa-miR-10a-3p
Evidence Experimental
Experiments Cloned
DRVs in miRNA
Mutant ID Mutant Position Mutant Source
COSN31530247 3 COSMIC
COSN23022313 7 COSMIC
COSN4892854 9 COSMIC
COSN30141482 12 COSMIC
COSN30107865 16 COSMIC
SNPs in miRNA
Mutant ID Mutant Position Mutant Source
rs1333780611 1 dbSNP
rs764734216 1 dbSNP
rs768238280 8 dbSNP
rs749109017 16 dbSNP
rs779774585 17 dbSNP
rs1228091752 19 dbSNP
rs1348797754 20 dbSNP
Putative Targets

miRNA Expression profile
Human miRNA Tissue Atlas
miRNAs in Extracellular Vesicles
Circulating MicroRNA Expression Profiling
Biomarker Information
Biomarker ID Name Type Discovered From Mode Level Source Testing Methods
B6HZE2 miR-10a Safety Biomarker (SAF) Clinical/Experimental Data Expression Increase Muscle Reverse transcription-polymerase chain reaction
Gene Information
Gene Symbol ACLY   
Description ATP citrate lyase
Transcript NM_001096   
Other Transcripts NM_198830   
Putative miRNA Targets on ACLY
(miRNA target sites are highlighted)
Target sites Provided by authors   Predicted by miRanda    DRVs    SNPs    DRVs & SNPs
miRNA-target interactions
(Predicted by miRanda)
ID Duplex structure Position Score MFE
            |||:|: ||  ||     | :|||| 
719 - 746 104.00 -9.20
              ||:| |||||| |   |||| 
389 - 413 98.00 -9.76
              |:||||   || | ||| 
Target 5' aggaCTCCTA---ACTACTTTg 3'
774 - 792 95.00 -9.50
DRVs in gene 3'UTRs
Mutant ID Mutant Position Mutant Source
COSN15623020 3 COSMIC
COSN6104043 44 COSMIC
COSN31549807 79 COSMIC
COSN30155309 106 COSMIC
COSN30499550 116 COSMIC
COSN20079020 133 COSMIC
COSN31569430 176 COSMIC
COSN28867613 192 COSMIC
COSN1196820 280 COSMIC
COSN26644350 316 COSMIC
COSN20113941 432 COSMIC
COSN27200964 433 COSMIC
COSN31557205 434 COSMIC
COSN31516108 465 COSMIC
COSN31480840 636 COSMIC
SNPs in gene 3'UTRs
Mutant ID Mutant Position Mutant Source
rs782247813 5 dbSNP
rs782610129 6 dbSNP
rs376924576 8 dbSNP
rs200315398 12 dbSNP
rs782692566 14 dbSNP
rs1199788660 18 dbSNP
rs1234180348 31 dbSNP
rs7217218 40 dbSNP
rs781876292 41 dbSNP
rs115844962 42 dbSNP
rs1414018067 44 dbSNP
rs368645413 45 dbSNP
rs868984336 46 dbSNP
rs781833567 51 dbSNP
rs59665494 59 dbSNP
rs782102933 61 dbSNP
rs992830756 66 dbSNP
rs1399230684 70 dbSNP
rs1466134082 71 dbSNP
rs781825172 83 dbSNP
rs1026242588 84 dbSNP
rs771327263 97 dbSNP
rs993712465 99 dbSNP
rs782702042 101 dbSNP
rs1356371663 122 dbSNP
rs75113865 123 dbSNP
rs75849376 124 dbSNP
rs1445833030 125 dbSNP
rs550978480 127 dbSNP
rs1235347452 130 dbSNP
rs782030112 132 dbSNP
rs73307729 137 dbSNP
rs1051339596 138 dbSNP
rs1440227060 163 dbSNP
rs1208755273 165 dbSNP
rs1237527318 169 dbSNP
rs1486469651 173 dbSNP
rs1191053006 174 dbSNP
rs1422723705 180 dbSNP
rs1477994496 182 dbSNP
rs749822422 189 dbSNP
rs778318236 190 dbSNP
rs901399831 191 dbSNP
rs1333651027 192 dbSNP
rs1376116210 201 dbSNP
rs1416929104 201 dbSNP
rs1296568785 208 dbSNP
rs1340303067 209 dbSNP
rs1431881104 222 dbSNP
rs1272451549 228 dbSNP
rs1343550842 230 dbSNP
rs1219122462 244 dbSNP
rs1280502097 254 dbSNP
rs1349398422 275 dbSNP
rs1214015455 285 dbSNP
rs1261938391 287 dbSNP
rs1447399794 289 dbSNP
rs1195004815 295 dbSNP
rs562206976 307 dbSNP
rs1053356850 311 dbSNP
rs1477680467 316 dbSNP
rs934936574 318 dbSNP
rs142250579 333 dbSNP
rs1395831116 334 dbSNP
rs1436598832 346 dbSNP
rs1157114018 349 dbSNP
rs189951396 353 dbSNP
rs1382966526 354 dbSNP
rs1320736188 360 dbSNP
rs948744146 363 dbSNP
rs1436465611 369 dbSNP
rs1304727978 384 dbSNP
rs1372539938 392 dbSNP
rs1237279955 396 dbSNP
rs1284898089 399 dbSNP
rs1351010696 401 dbSNP
rs1206497328 413 dbSNP
rs1287552207 418 dbSNP
rs1450806788 421 dbSNP
rs781976098 428 dbSNP
rs1254770699 434 dbSNP
rs140162090 434 dbSNP
rs1455657717 434 dbSNP
rs569559793 434 dbSNP
rs1160496796 435 dbSNP
rs916003953 436 dbSNP
rs1389037402 438 dbSNP
rs1405064347 440 dbSNP
rs992797692 441 dbSNP
rs1327206083 443 dbSNP
rs546061459 444 dbSNP
rs1397270486 446 dbSNP
rs200320343 446 dbSNP
rs71228789 446 dbSNP
rs781797066 446 dbSNP
rs879979259 446 dbSNP
rs1282008551 447 dbSNP
rs1355384949 450 dbSNP
rs1214037200 455 dbSNP
rs1274789782 456 dbSNP
rs1456416362 459 dbSNP
rs1197929233 463 dbSNP
rs960084988 463 dbSNP
rs1419687958 467 dbSNP
rs1184248907 468 dbSNP
rs754519429 481 dbSNP
rs1026755022 489 dbSNP
rs1475100542 501 dbSNP
rs1166167965 513 dbSNP
rs971990907 520 dbSNP
rs1464582833 533 dbSNP
rs1331247043 535 dbSNP
rs575511093 537 dbSNP
rs562860522 541 dbSNP
rs1396611580 559 dbSNP
rs1392559395 577 dbSNP
rs963657449 580 dbSNP
rs1331815898 585 dbSNP
rs1339555753 588 dbSNP
rs1233489477 590 dbSNP
rs1294971127 591 dbSNP
rs1315819019 592 dbSNP
rs1217948686 594 dbSNP
rs7713 596 dbSNP
rs782210395 599 dbSNP
rs1197584740 603 dbSNP
rs1007357295 604 dbSNP
rs888838414 611 dbSNP
rs1254149161 618 dbSNP
rs1485493289 619 dbSNP
rs1420549024 632 dbSNP
rs1477013133 633 dbSNP
rs781984028 636 dbSNP
rs146150856 638 dbSNP
rs1170338107 640 dbSNP
rs1374315865 652 dbSNP
rs1030057617 659 dbSNP
rs184327140 663 dbSNP
rs1415079842 664 dbSNP
rs1314262876 667 dbSNP
rs1338146764 667 dbSNP
rs1399119944 670 dbSNP
rs997245192 673 dbSNP
rs1309241398 676 dbSNP
rs892118242 680 dbSNP
rs1052565582 682 dbSNP
rs532645872 690 dbSNP
rs552987806 695 dbSNP
rs377235540 701 dbSNP
rs1259794049 711 dbSNP
rs1487531260 718 dbSNP
rs934925977 725 dbSNP
rs904774902 727 dbSNP
rs534434166 749 dbSNP
rs1262827113 763 dbSNP
rs570595886 764 dbSNP
rs1043212697 765 dbSNP
rs1174559218 773 dbSNP
rs948877994 776 dbSNP
rs915972870 787 dbSNP
rs1434720702 788 dbSNP
rs558442312 791 dbSNP
rs1358177370 801 dbSNP
rs1058928 805 dbSNP
rs938791823 806 dbSNP
rs1289274317 828 dbSNP
rs1363816103 829 dbSNP
rs1385069850 832 dbSNP
rs563786739 835 dbSNP
rs1235065601 843 dbSNP
rs1282768269 853 dbSNP
rs1351832476 855 dbSNP
rs972510904 856 dbSNP
rs569956064 859 dbSNP
rs963293777 860 dbSNP
rs782275979 862 dbSNP
rs1487020239 872 dbSNP
rs1189982692 873 dbSNP
rs985904387 884 dbSNP
rs953199304 890 dbSNP
rs1454348782 891 dbSNP
Experimental Support 1 for Functional miRNA-Target Interaction
miRNA:Target ----
Validation Method
Conditions Flp-In T-REx 293-hAGO1 cells
Location of target site CDS
Original Description (Extracted from the article) ... Validation of interactions identified by CLASH suppports their reliability. ...

- Helwak A; Kudla G; Dudnakova T; Tollervey D, 2013, Cell.

Article - Helwak A; Kudla G; Dudnakova T; Tollervey D
- Cell, 2013
MicroRNAs (miRNAs) play key roles in gene regulation, but reliable bioinformatic or experimental identification of their targets remains difficult. To provide an unbiased view of human miRNA targets, we developed a technique for ligation and sequencing of miRNA-target RNA duplexes associated with human AGO1. Here, we report data sets of more than 18,000 high-confidence miRNA-mRNA interactions. The binding of most miRNAs includes the 5' seed region, but around 60% of seed interactions are noncanonical, containing bulged or mismatched nucleotides. Moreover, seed interactions are generally accompanied by specific, nonseed base pairing. 18% of miRNA-mRNA interactions involve the miRNA 3' end, with little evidence for 5' contacts, and some of these were functionally validated. Analyses of miRNA:mRNA base pairing showed that miRNA species systematically differ in their target RNA interactions, and strongly overrepresented motifs were found in the interaction sites of several miRNAs. We speculate that these affect the response of RISC to miRNA-target binding.
LinkOut: [PMID: 23622248]
MiRNA-Target Expression Profile
Dataset Pearson Correlation P-value for Pearson Correlation Spearman Correlation P-value for Spearman Correlation Samples Chart
GSE19536 Breast cancer 0.323 5.2e-4 0.260 4.5e-3 100 Click to see details
GSE19783 ER+ ER+ breast cancer 0.483 1.5e-2 0.537 7.3e-3 20 Click to see details
GSE19783 ER- ER- breast cancer 0.217 2.7e-2 0.205 3.5e-2 79 Click to see details
GSE42095 Differentiated embryonic stem cells -0.389 3.3e-2 -0.386 3.4e-2 23 Click to see details
GSE32688 Pancreatic cancer -0.301 4.7e-2 -0.222 1.1e-1 32 Click to see details
GSE28260 Renal cortex and medulla -0.396 9.0e-2 -0.363 1.1e-1 13 Click to see details
GSE26953 Aortic valvular endothelial cells -0.261 1.1e-1 -0.314 6.8e-2 24 Click to see details
GSE38226 Liver fibrosis -0.23 1.6e-1 0.056 4.0e-1 21 Click to see details
GSE15076 Monocyte-derived dendritic cells -0.677 1.6e-1 -0.800 1.0e-1 4 Click to see details
GSE19350 CNS germ cell tumors -0.185 2.8e-1 -0.028 4.7e-1 12 Click to see details
GSE21687 Ependynoma primary tumors 0.059 3.2e-1 0.035 3.9e-1 64 Click to see details
GSE28544 Breast cancer 0.095 3.3e-1 0.035 4.4e-1 24 Click to see details
GSE34608 Pulmonary tuberculosis and sarcoidosis 0.072 3.8e-1 -0.141 2.8e-1 20 Click to see details
GSE35602 Colorectal cancer stromal tissue 0.042 4.2e-1 0.160 2.2e-1 25 Click to see details
GSE17498 Multiple myeloma -0.027 4.3e-1 0.010 4.8e-1 40 Click to see details
GSE38974 Chronic obstructive pulmonary disease -0.009 4.8e-1 -0.014 4.7e-1 25 Click to see details
MiRNA-Target Expression Profile (TCGA)
Tumor Pearson Correlation P-value for Pearson Correlation Spearman Correlation P-value for Spearman Correlation Samples Chart
PRAD -0.596 0 -0.287 0.11 20 Click to see details
LUSC 0.288 0.04 0.292 0.04 38 Click to see details
PAAD -0.843 0.08 -0.800 0.1 4 Click to see details
UCEC -0.359 0.08 -0.252 0.16 17 Click to see details
LUAD -0.435 0.08 -0.552 0.03 12 Click to see details
ESCA 0.479 0.08 0.152 0.34 10 Click to see details
KIRC -0.175 0.08 -0.189 0.07 65 Click to see details
PCPG -0.922 0.13 -1.000 0.5 3 Click to see details
KIRP -0.174 0.17 -0.212 0.12 32 Click to see details
COAD -0.529 0.18 -0.300 0.31 5 Click to see details
HNSC 0.142 0.24 0.004 0.49 26 Click to see details
BLCA 0.201 0.25 0.068 0.41 14 Click to see details
BRCA 0.052 0.33 0.110 0.18 74 Click to see details
THCA 0.067 0.34 0.012 0.47 38 Click to see details
STAD 0.05 0.39 0.076 0.34 31 Click to see details
LIHC -0.018 0.45 -0.144 0.17 45 Click to see details
CHOL 0.034 0.47 -0.083 0.42 9 Click to see details
KICH -0.012 0.48 -0.017 0.47 25 Click to see details
KICH -0.012 0.48 -0.017 0.47 25 Click to see details
KICH -0.012 0.48 -0.017 0.47 25 Click to see details
KICH -0.012 0.48 -0.017 0.47 25 Click to see details
62 hsa-miR-10a-3p Target Genes:
Functional analysis:
ID Target Description Validation methods
Strong evidence Less strong evidence
MIRT038671 VPS13D vacuolar protein sorting 13 homolog D 1 1
MIRT038672 GTF2I general transcription factor IIi 1 1
MIRT038673 ACLY ATP citrate lyase 1 1
MIRT038674 CLIC4 chloride intracellular channel 4 1 1
MIRT038675 NCBP2 nuclear cap binding protein subunit 2 1 1
MIRT038676 GCFC2 GC-rich sequence DNA-binding factor 2 1 1
MIRT056055 COMMD3 COMM domain containing 3 2 6
MIRT080401 ONECUT2 one cut homeobox 2 2 2
MIRT089339 PCBP1 poly(rC) binding protein 1 2 2
MIRT217793 HBS1L HBS1 like translational GTPase 2 2
MIRT281381 MAPK6 mitogen-activated protein kinase 6 2 2
MIRT303046 B3GNT2 UDP-GlcNAc:betaGal beta-1,3-N-acetylglucosaminyltransferase 2 2 4
MIRT446082 RCOR3 REST corepressor 3 2 2
MIRT446109 TSC22D2 TSC22 domain family member 2 2 2
MIRT448460 SMC3 structural maintenance of chromosomes 3 2 2
MIRT449067 ZNF24 zinc finger protein 24 2 2
MIRT449685 CDR1 cerebellar degeneration related protein 1 2 2
MIRT450363 GRAMD3 GRAM domain containing 2B 2 2
MIRT463590 ZBTB38 zinc finger and BTB domain containing 38 2 2
MIRT466662 TAF1D TATA-box binding protein associated factor, RNA polymerase I subunit D 2 6
MIRT467571 SLITRK4 SLIT and NTRK like family member 4 2 2
MIRT468557 SERINC3 serine incorporator 3 2 10
MIRT469840 R3HDM4 R3H domain containing 4 2 2
MIRT476235 GNPNAT1 glucosamine-phosphate N-acetyltransferase 1 2 2
MIRT480076 CALU calumenin 2 4
MIRT480825 BLCAP bladder cancer associated protein 2 10
MIRT485713 CASP16 caspase 16, pseudogene 2 8
MIRT500591 UQCRFS1 ubiquinol-cytochrome c reductase, Rieske iron-sulfur polypeptide 1 2 4
MIRT507451 EIF6 eukaryotic translation initiation factor 6 2 2
MIRT507470 EDEM3 ER degradation enhancing alpha-mannosidase like protein 3 2 6
MIRT508618 HOXC4 homeobox C4 2 8
MIRT525776 SOD2 superoxide dismutase 2 2 2
MIRT529014 GYPA glycophorin A (MNS blood group) 2 2
MIRT536731 IGF1 insulin like growth factor 1 2 2
MIRT537307 FRS2 fibroblast growth factor receptor substrate 2 2 2
MIRT548439 ELMOD2 ELMO domain containing 2 2 2
MIRT550928 ATG2B autophagy related 2B 2 2
MIRT552415 ZNF460 zinc finger protein 460 2 4
MIRT553138 UBE2H ubiquitin conjugating enzyme E2 H 2 2
MIRT554946 RAP1A RAP1A, member of RAS oncogene family 2 2
MIRT556315 MAP2K4 mitogen-activated protein kinase kinase 4 2 2
MIRT557057 HOXB3 homeobox B3 2 2
MIRT557743 FUT4 fucosyltransferase 4 2 2
MIRT558489 DBN1 drebrin 1 2 2
MIRT559638 AKAP10 A-kinase anchoring protein 10 2 2
MIRT568118 CDC27 cell division cycle 27 2 2
MIRT574413 TFAP2A transcription factor AP-2 alpha 2 2
MIRT611420 ZNF431 zinc finger protein 431 2 4
MIRT616545 NFATC2 nuclear factor of activated T-cells 2 2 2
MIRT628408 C1orf21 chromosome 1 open reading frame 21 2 2
MIRT629513 QRSL1 glutaminyl-tRNA synthase (glutamine-hydrolyzing)-like 1 2 2
MIRT635884 SIX3 SIX homeobox 3 2 2
MIRT643154 GOLIM4 golgi integral membrane protein 4 2 2
MIRT645603 MRPS15 mitochondrial ribosomal protein S15 2 2
MIRT654270 RGS17 regulator of G protein signaling 17 2 2
MIRT658811 EFNA5 ephrin A5 2 2
MIRT659613 CELSR2 cadherin EGF LAG seven-pass G-type receptor 2 2 2
MIRT697603 YAP1 Yes associated protein 1 2 2
MIRT700703 PODXL podocalyxin like 2 2
MIRT705319 ATP6V1G1 ATPase H+ transporting V1 subunit G1 2 2
MIRT721291 TRABD2A TraB domain containing 2A 2 2
MIRT734812 EPHA8 EPH receptor A8 1 0
miRNA-Drug Associations
miRNA Small Melocule FDA CID Detection Method Condition PMID Year Expression Pattern of miRNA
miR-10a RAR-alpha antagonist Ro-41-5253 NULL NULL Northern blot pancreatic cancer 19747919 2009 down-regulated
miR-10a 5-Fluorouracil approved 3385 Microarray HCT-8 colon cancer cell line 19956872 2010 down-regulated
miR-10a Oxaliplatin (L-OHP) approved 5310940 Microarray HCT-116 colon cancer cell line 19956872 2010 down-regulated
miR-10a Mistletoe lectin-I NULL NULL Microarray colorectal cancer cells HT-29 cells 20955366 2011 down-regulated
miR-10a Formaldehyde NULL 712 Microarray Human lung epithelial cells (A549) 21147603 2011 down-regulated
miR-10a All-trans-retinoic acid (ATRA) approved 444795 Microarray acute myeloid leukemia (AML) cell line HL-60 21518431 2011 down-regulated
miR-10a Arsenic trioxide approved 14888 Quantitative real-time PCR acute promyelocytic leukemia 22072212 2012 up-regulated
miR-10a All-trans-retinoic acid (ATRA) approved 444795 Quantitative real-time PCR regulatory T cells (T(reg) cells) 22544395 2012 up-regulated
miR-10a Glucocorticoid NULL NULL Quantitative real-time PCR Eosinophilic esophagitis 22815788 2012 up-regulated
miR-10a Glucocorticoid NULL NULL TaqMan low-density array Eosinophilic esophagitis 22815788 2012 up-regulated
miR-10a Galactose NULL 6036 Quantitative real-time PCR lens 22736950 2012 up-regulated
miR-10a Ethanol NULL 702 Microarray fetal mouse brains 19091803 2009 up-regulated
miR-10a Ethanol NULL 702 Northern blot fetal mouse brains 19091803 2009 up-regulated
miR-10a Ethanol NULL 702 Quantitative real-time PCR fetal mouse brains 19091803 2009 up-regulated
miR-10a Reversine NULL 210332 Microarray C2C12 myoblast cells 24513286 2014 down-regulated
miR-10a Longevinex NULL NULL Quantitative real-time PCR ischemia/reperfusion [I/R] rat model 21203465 2011 down-regulated
miR-10a Longevinex NULL NULL Quantitative real-time PCR normal heart 21203465 2011 up-regulated
miR-10a Resveratrol NULL 445154 Quantitative real-time PCR ischemia/reperfusion [I/R] rat model 21203465 2011 down-regulated
miR-10a Resveratrol NULL 445154 Quantitative real-time PCR normal heart 21203465 2011 up-regulated
miR-10a Aristolochic acid NULL 2236 Microarray kidney 25106556 2014 up-regualted
miR-10a Perfluorooctane sulfonate NULL 74483 Microarray zebrafish embryos 20878907 2011 up-regulated
miRNA-Drug Resistance Associations
miRNA Drug Name CID NSC FDA Effect/Pattern Detection Method Level Phenotype Condition
hsa-mir-10a Cisplatin 5460033 NSC119875 approved resistant High Gastric Cancer cell line (BGC823)
hsa-mir-10a Ceritinib 57379345 NSC776422 approved sensitive High Non-Small Cell Lung Cancer cell line (H3122, H2228)
hsa-mir-10a Paclitaxel 36314 NSC125973 approved sensitive cell line (W1)
hsa-mir-10a Cisplatin 5460033 NSC119875 approved resistant cell line (W1)
hsa-mir-10a Methotrexate 126941 NSC740 approved sensitive cell line (W1)
hsa-mir-10a Topotecan 60699 NSC609699 approved sensitive cell line (W1)
hsa-mir-10a Paclitaxel 36314 NSC125973 approved sensitive cell line (A2780)
hsa-mir-10a Androstenedione 6128 NSC9563 resistant cell line (MCF-7)
hsa-mir-10a Tamoxifen 2733525 NSC180973 approved sensitive tissue (ER-positive breast cancer)
hsa-mir-10a Fluorouracil 3385 NSC19893 approved sensitive cell line (OE19)
hsa-mir-10a Cisplatin 5460033 NSC119875 approved sensitive cell line (BxPC3)
hsa-mir-10a Ceritinib 57379345 NSC776422 approved sensitive cell line (H3122)
hsa-mir-10a Cisplatin 5460033 NSC119875 approved resistant cell line (BGC-823)
hsa-miR-10a-3p Temozolomide 5394 NSC362856 approved sensitive Low Glioblastoma cell line (U251MG)
hsa-miR-10a-3p Cisplatin 5460033 NSC119875 approved sensitive High Lung Adenocarcinoma cell line (A549)
hsa-miR-10a-3p Oxaliplatin 6857599 NSC266046 approved resistant High Colorectal Cancer cell line (HT-29)
hsa-miR-10a-3p Doxorubicin 31703 NSC123127 approved resistant High Hepatocellular Carcinoma tissue and cell line (HepG2)
hsa-miR-10a-3p Cisplatin 5460033 NSC119875 approved sensitive Low Cervical Cancer tissue
hsa-miR-10a-3p Cisplatin 5460033 NSC119875 approved sensitive High Gallbladder Cancer cell line (GBC-SD, NOZ)
hsa-miR-10a-3p Ceritinib 57379345 NSC776422 approved sensitive High Non-Small Cell Lung Cancer cell line (H3122, H2228)
hsa-miR-10a-3p Trastuzumab resistant High Breast Cancer cell line (MDA‐MB‐231, SKBR3, HEK‐293T)
hsa-miR-10a-3p Gemcitabine 60750 NSC613327 approved resistant High Pancreatic Cancer cell line (AsPC-1)
hsa-miR-10a-3p Oxaliplatin 6857599 NSC266046 approved resistant High Colorectal Cancer cell line (SW480, HCT-116)
hsa-miR-10a-3p Antiepileptic Drug sensitive High Pediatric Epilepsy tissue
hsa-miR-10a-3p Osimertinib 71496458 NSC779217 approved resistant cell line (HCC827)
hsa-miR-10a-3p Cisplatin 5460033 NSC119875 approved sensitive cell line
hsa-miR-10a-3p Cisplatin 5460033 NSC119875 approved sensitive cell line (A549)
hsa-miR-10a-3p Tamoxifen+Fulvestrant resistant cell line (LCC9)
hsa-miR-10a-3p Osimertinib 71496458 NSC779217 approved resistant cell line (H1975)
hsa-miR-10a-3p Fluorouracil 3385 NSC19893 approved sensitive cell line (HCT15)
hsa-miR-10a-3p Fluorouracil 3385 NSC19893 approved resistant cell line (KM12C) (72 h)
hsa-miR-10a-3p Sunitinib 5329102 NSC750690 approved resistant tissue (CardB)
hsa-miR-10a-3p Cisplatin 5460033 NSC119875 approved sensitive cell line (IGROV-1)
hsa-miR-10a-3p Cisplatin 5460033 NSC119875 approved sensitive cell line (A549)
hsa-miR-10a-3p Gemcitabine 60750 NSC613327 approved sensitive cell line (PANC-1) (1500 ng/ml)
hsa-miR-10a-3p Gemcitabine 60750 NSC613327 approved sensitive cell line (PANC-1) (100 ng/ml)
hsa-miR-10a-3p Ceritinib 57379345 NSC776422 approved sensitive cell line (H3122)
hsa-miR-10a-3p Cisplatin 5460033 NSC119875 approved sensitive cell line (A2780)

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