pre-miRNA Information
pre-miRNA hsa-mir-3192   
Genomic Coordinates chr20: 18470615 - 18470691
Description Homo sapiens miR-3192 stem-loop
Comment None
RNA Secondary Structure

Mature miRNA Information
Mature miRNA hsa-miR-3192-5p
Evidence Experimental
Experiments Illumina
SNPs in miRNA
Mutant ID Mutant Position Mutant Source
rs906254403 3 dbSNP
rs554130490 4 dbSNP
rs773140898 6 dbSNP
rs376614009 11 dbSNP
rs899297329 12 dbSNP
rs1330418015 18 dbSNP
rs1402597660 21 dbSNP
rs995052311 22 dbSNP
Putative Targets

miRNA Expression profile
Human miRNA Tissue Atlas
Circulating MicroRNA Expression Profiling
Gene Information
Gene Symbol NCKIPSD   
Synonyms AF3P21, DIP, DIP1, ORF1, SPIN90, VIP54, WASLBP, WISH
Description NCK interacting protein with SH3 domain
Transcript NM_016453   
Other Transcripts NM_184231   
Putative miRNA Targets on NCKIPSD
(miRNA target sites are highlighted)
Target sites Provided by authors   Predicted by miRanda    DRVs    SNPs    DRVs & SNPs
miRNA-target interactions
(Predicted by miRanda)
ID Duplex structure Position Score MFE
             ::||||| |:: ||||||   
434 - 457 128.00 -18.22
            :|||| |||    | ||||| 
Target 5' ctTCACTCCTA----CCCCCAGa 3'
482 - 500 127.00 -19.40
miRNA  3' aaggugacgauguUGGAGGGUcu 5'
Target 5' ggtgaggggaggcATCTCCCAcc 3'
382 - 404 126.00 -12.10
DRVs in gene 3'UTRs
Mutant ID Mutant Position Mutant Source
COSN31577653 46 COSMIC
COSN30132613 80 COSMIC
COSN31532282 105 COSMIC
COSN1951522 148 COSMIC
COSN31490869 148 COSMIC
COSN31533784 185 COSMIC
COSN26507178 190 COSMIC
COSN31579237 258 COSMIC
COSN17531188 348 COSMIC
COSN24948661 391 COSMIC
COSN15700621 476 COSMIC
COSN15260252 632 COSMIC
SNPs in gene 3'UTRs
Mutant ID Mutant Position Mutant Source
rs768802293 3 dbSNP
rs1212872189 15 dbSNP
rs1213237078 16 dbSNP
rs1320895493 18 dbSNP
rs1290324136 20 dbSNP
rs747478609 21 dbSNP
rs948978982 29 dbSNP
rs1371065724 31 dbSNP
rs1307953459 33 dbSNP
rs780745092 34 dbSNP
rs1378416599 39 dbSNP
rs1323499906 41 dbSNP
rs758812513 42 dbSNP
rs555632153 43 dbSNP
rs1167317214 47 dbSNP
rs777475258 48 dbSNP
rs755651497 49 dbSNP
rs752404163 50 dbSNP
rs766901139 51 dbSNP
rs548613940 54 dbSNP
rs1443841545 57 dbSNP
rs902872893 62 dbSNP
rs952210657 63 dbSNP
rs1428071257 64 dbSNP
rs1431095434 84 dbSNP
rs1271394643 86 dbSNP
rs919315746 89 dbSNP
rs1387996257 93 dbSNP
rs1232243576 97 dbSNP
rs1187549252 99 dbSNP
rs1271097530 109 dbSNP
rs548299123 110 dbSNP
rs1336663995 112 dbSNP
rs1210396137 114 dbSNP
rs1042808417 116 dbSNP
rs1258040200 117 dbSNP
rs551764401 125 dbSNP
rs1260926283 129 dbSNP
rs1179882713 130 dbSNP
rs972152176 149 dbSNP
rs770882536 152 dbSNP
rs947156862 162 dbSNP
rs1478277794 164 dbSNP
rs1252446710 168 dbSNP
rs1187494371 175 dbSNP
rs915710046 176 dbSNP
rs1344427158 180 dbSNP
rs1164148970 184 dbSNP
rs1384917812 189 dbSNP
rs986176647 195 dbSNP
rs1319736502 206 dbSNP
rs1272484846 213 dbSNP
rs1413857466 216 dbSNP
rs1056037312 221 dbSNP
rs1357183327 222 dbSNP
rs368550254 223 dbSNP
rs1259887978 224 dbSNP
rs765133239 230 dbSNP
rs533215066 240 dbSNP
rs982690643 248 dbSNP
rs1206761649 252 dbSNP
rs1288337370 259 dbSNP
rs1028256725 262 dbSNP
rs1187564580 263 dbSNP
rs562540352 264 dbSNP
rs761648528 266 dbSNP
rs374409003 271 dbSNP
rs542695557 274 dbSNP
rs776745390 281 dbSNP
rs1309156384 288 dbSNP
rs531487984 289 dbSNP
rs1031342873 296 dbSNP
rs1310487472 298 dbSNP
rs1403944861 302 dbSNP
rs560764897 306 dbSNP
rs1306039475 307 dbSNP
rs11545755 318 dbSNP
rs906986277 322 dbSNP
rs953965121 336 dbSNP
rs1309863724 337 dbSNP
rs1368202322 340 dbSNP
rs1166762343 341 dbSNP
rs1210297665 342 dbSNP
rs148042141 343 dbSNP
rs1018407835 344 dbSNP
rs115864799 350 dbSNP
rs1484369636 357 dbSNP
rs1201238237 365 dbSNP
rs948438155 388 dbSNP
rs955581911 393 dbSNP
rs559950372 395 dbSNP
rs12796 400 dbSNP
rs377449889 411 dbSNP
rs545078002 432 dbSNP
rs894697448 433 dbSNP
rs1049356706 441 dbSNP
rs1454188190 444 dbSNP
rs577756976 446 dbSNP
rs11545754 448 dbSNP
rs1171204229 450 dbSNP
rs1474752217 455 dbSNP
rs1378803411 457 dbSNP
rs556171833 462 dbSNP
rs374768511 463 dbSNP
rs1448748012 473 dbSNP
rs972258433 475 dbSNP
rs1482009414 476 dbSNP
rs1043121098 478 dbSNP
rs1370167365 479 dbSNP
rs1231924459 480 dbSNP
rs944773144 482 dbSNP
rs1301416988 488 dbSNP
rs774551709 493 dbSNP
rs1234288369 495 dbSNP
rs1250944856 496 dbSNP
rs1011283302 497 dbSNP
rs1200944986 516 dbSNP
rs1195280579 529 dbSNP
rs894234432 535 dbSNP
rs774728769 542 dbSNP
rs1488950677 543 dbSNP
rs1192294116 551 dbSNP
rs575603461 553 dbSNP
rs752096693 559 dbSNP
rs1055523842 561 dbSNP
rs184612927 563 dbSNP
rs1169075867 573 dbSNP
rs767059373 580 dbSNP
rs938504804 597 dbSNP
rs928493839 598 dbSNP
rs574362260 603 dbSNP
rs1438711573 604 dbSNP
rs1289336920 614 dbSNP
rs929929947 615 dbSNP
rs1369877303 618 dbSNP
rs1387445050 634 dbSNP
rs1230801182 638 dbSNP
rs919904821 640 dbSNP
rs1294892103 642 dbSNP
rs974482721 643 dbSNP
rs773672825 645 dbSNP
rs1220633076 654 dbSNP
rs1028162894 662 dbSNP
rs555933541 665 dbSNP
rs534094658 671 dbSNP
rs986912981 685 dbSNP
rs1386841522 687 dbSNP
rs955520264 688 dbSNP
rs957323265 693 dbSNP
rs1489070309 701 dbSNP
Experimental Support 1 for Functional miRNA-Target Interaction
miRNA:Target ----
Validation Method
Conditions HEK293
Disease 51517.0
Location of target site 3'UTR
Tools used in this research TargetScan , miRTarCLIP , Piranha
Original Description (Extracted from the article) ... "PAR-CLIP data was present in GSM1065667. RNA binding protein: AGO1. Condition:4-thiouridine ...

- Memczak S; Jens M; Elefsinioti A; Torti F; et al., 2013, Nature.

miRNA-target interactions (Provided by authors)
ID Duplex structure Position
            :|||||| |   | ||||||||| 
1 - 24
Article - Memczak S; Jens M; Elefsinioti A; Torti F; et al.
- Nature, 2013
Circular RNAs (circRNAs) in animals are an enigmatic class of RNA with unknown function. To explore circRNAs systematically, we sequenced and computationally analysed human, mouse and nematode RNA. We detected thousands of well-expressed, stable circRNAs, often showing tissue/developmental-stage-specific expression. Sequence analysis indicated important regulatory functions for circRNAs. We found that a human circRNA, antisense to the cerebellar degeneration-related protein 1 transcript (CDR1as), is densely bound by microRNA (miRNA) effector complexes and harbours 63 conserved binding sites for the ancient miRNA miR-7. Further analyses indicated that CDR1as functions to bind miR-7 in neuronal tissues. Human CDR1as expression in zebrafish impaired midbrain development, similar to knocking down miR-7, suggesting that CDR1as is a miRNA antagonist with a miRNA-binding capacity ten times higher than any other known transcript. Together, our data provide evidence that circRNAs form a large class of post-transcriptional regulators. Numerous circRNAs form by head-to-tail splicing of exons, suggesting previously unrecognized regulatory potential of coding sequences.
LinkOut: [PMID: 23446348]
Experimental Support 2 for Functional miRNA-Target Interaction
miRNA:Target ----
Validation Method
Conditions HEK293/HeLa
Location of target site 3'UTR
Tools used in this research TargetScan , miRTarCLIP , Piranha
Original Description (Extracted from the article) ... HITS-CLIP data was present in GSM1067870. RNA binding protein: AGO2. Condition:Ago2 IP-seq (mitotic cells) ...

- Kishore S; Gruber AR; Jedlinski DJ; Syed et al., 2013, Genome biology.

miRNA-target interactions (Provided by authors)
ID Duplex structure Position
            :|||||| |   | ||||||||| 
3 - 28
Article - Kishore S; Gruber AR; Jedlinski DJ; Syed et al.
- Genome biology, 2013
BACKGROUND: In recent years, a variety of small RNAs derived from other RNAs with well-known functions such as tRNAs and snoRNAs, have been identified. The functional relevance of these RNAs is largely unknown. To gain insight into the complexity of snoRNA processing and the functional relevance of snoRNA-derived small RNAs, we sequence long and short RNAs, small RNAs that co-precipitate with the Argonaute 2 protein and RNA fragments obtained in photoreactive nucleotide-enhanced crosslinking and immunoprecipitation (PAR-CLIP) of core snoRNA-associated proteins. RESULTS: Analysis of these data sets reveals that many loci in the human genome reproducibly give rise to C/D box-like snoRNAs, whose expression and evolutionary conservation are typically less pronounced relative to the snoRNAs that are currently cataloged. We further find that virtually all C/D box snoRNAs are specifically processed inside the regions of terminal complementarity, retaining in the mature form only 4-5 nucleotides upstream of the C box and 2-5 nucleotides downstream of the D box. Sequencing of the total and Argonaute 2-associated populations of small RNAs reveals that despite their cellular abundance, C/D box-derived small RNAs are not efficiently incorporated into the Ago2 protein. CONCLUSIONS: We conclude that the human genome encodes a large number of snoRNAs that are processed along the canonical pathway and expressed at relatively low levels. Generation of snoRNA-derived processing products with alternative, particularly miRNA-like, functions appears to be uncommon.
LinkOut: [PMID: 23706177]
CLIP-seq Support 1 for dataset GSM1067870
Cell line / Condition HEK293/HeLa / Ago2 IP-seq (mitotic cells)
Location of target site ENST00000416649.2 | 3UTR | CGGCUCACUGCAACCUCUACCUCCCAGGUUC
Tools used in this analysis TargetScan, miRTarCLIP, and Piranha
Article / Accession Series PMID: 23706177 / GSE43666
CLIP-seq Viewer Link
CLIP-seq Support 2 for dataset GSM1065667
Method / RBP PAR-CLIP / AGO1
Cell line / Condition HEK293 / 4-thiouridine, ML_MM_6
Location of target site ENST00000416649.2 | 3UTR | UCACUGCAACCUCUACCUCCCAGGUUCAAG
Tools used in this analysis TargetScan, miRTarCLIP, and Piranha
Article / Accession Series PMID: 23446348 / GSE43573
CLIP-seq Viewer Link
MiRNA-Target Expression Profile
Dataset Pearson Correlation P-value for Pearson Correlation Spearman Correlation P-value for Spearman Correlation Samples Chart
MiRNA-Target Expression Profile (TCGA)
Tumor Pearson Correlation P-value for Pearson Correlation Spearman Correlation P-value for Spearman Correlation Samples Chart
HNSC 0.52 0.33 0.500 0.33 3 Click to see details
HNSC 0.52 0.33 0.500 0.33 3 Click to see details
HNSC 0.52 0.33 0.500 0.33 3 Click to see details
HNSC 0.52 0.33 0.500 0.33 3 Click to see details
HNSC 0.52 0.33 0.500 0.33 3 Click to see details
HNSC 0.52 0.33 0.500 0.33 3 Click to see details
HNSC 0.52 0.33 0.500 0.33 3 Click to see details
HNSC 0.52 0.33 0.500 0.33 3 Click to see details
HNSC 0.52 0.33 0.500 0.33 3 Click to see details
167 hsa-miR-3192-5p Target Genes:
Functional analysis:
ID Target Description Validation methods
Strong evidence Less strong evidence
MIRT058548 CTTNBP2NL CTTNBP2 N-terminal like 2 2
MIRT139892 BTF3L4 basic transcription factor 3 like 4 2 6
MIRT207395 MAT2A methionine adenosyltransferase 2A 2 6
MIRT294640 ZNF548 zinc finger protein 548 2 2
MIRT324251 GAPVD1 GTPase activating protein and VPS9 domains 1 2 2
MIRT441475 BEST3 bestrophin 3 2 2
MIRT445233 SRGAP2 SLIT-ROBO Rho GTPase activating protein 2 2 2
MIRT446763 ZNF491 zinc finger protein 491 2 2
MIRT451003 EPS15L1 epidermal growth factor receptor pathway substrate 15 like 1 2 2
MIRT452436 QDPR quinoid dihydropteridine reductase 2 2
MIRT452582 ZFP69B ZFP69 zinc finger protein B 2 2
MIRT452950 DISC1 disrupted in schizophrenia 1 2 2
MIRT453309 ZNF394 zinc finger protein 394 2 2
MIRT453810 KBTBD12 kelch repeat and BTB domain containing 12 2 2
MIRT454101 TMEM209 transmembrane protein 209 2 2
MIRT456228 LIX1L limb and CNS expressed 1 like 2 4
MIRT456738 TMEM239 transmembrane protein 239 2 2
MIRT456806 SIGLEC14 sialic acid binding Ig like lectin 14 2 4
MIRT457499 SLC35F6 solute carrier family 35 member F6 2 2
MIRT458037 MRPL12 mitochondrial ribosomal protein L12 2 2
MIRT459041 ZNF490 zinc finger protein 490 2 2
MIRT459135 FADS6 fatty acid desaturase 6 2 2
MIRT460126 CXCL16 C-X-C motif chemokine ligand 16 2 2
MIRT460506 FAM105A family with sequence similarity 105 member A 2 6
MIRT460944 NOA1 nitric oxide associated 1 2 4
MIRT461101 OPA3 OPA3, outer mitochondrial membrane lipid metabolism regulator 2 2
MIRT462641 PHF5A PHD finger protein 5A 2 2
MIRT463584 ZBTB38 zinc finger and BTB domain containing 38 2 2
MIRT466567 TBL1XR1 transducin beta like 1 X-linked receptor 1 2 2
MIRT467090 SRRD SRR1 domain containing 2 2
MIRT471093 PIK3C2B phosphatidylinositol-4-phosphate 3-kinase catalytic subunit type 2 beta 2 2
MIRT472596 NACC1 nucleus accumbens associated 1 2 2
MIRT473084 MORN4 MORN repeat containing 4 2 2
MIRT475977 GTPBP2 GTP binding protein 2 2 2
MIRT477054 FAM210A family with sequence similarity 210 member A 2 2
MIRT478303 DDX19A DEAD-box helicase 19A 2 4
MIRT478489 CYP20A1 cytochrome P450 family 20 subfamily A member 1 2 2
MIRT478500 CYP1B1 cytochrome P450 family 1 subfamily B member 1 2 2
MIRT478858 CRISPLD2 cysteine rich secretory protein LCCL domain containing 2 2 2
MIRT479096 CNNM4 cyclin and CBS domain divalent metal cation transport mediator 4 2 2
MIRT479180 CLSPN claspin 2 2
MIRT479215 CLCC1 chloride channel CLIC like 1 2 2
MIRT481176 AVL9 AVL9 cell migration associated 2 6
MIRT483032 KHSRP KH-type splicing regulatory protein 2 4
MIRT485150 RASL10B RAS like family 10 member B 2 2
MIRT486104 SLC7A5 solute carrier family 7 member 5 2 4
MIRT486319 SIPA1 signal-induced proliferation-associated 1 2 2
MIRT489443 IFNLR1 interferon lambda receptor 1 2 2
MIRT489585 SSBP2 single stranded DNA binding protein 2 2 2
MIRT489702 SCAMP4 secretory carrier membrane protein 4 2 2
MIRT490184 TMEM63C transmembrane protein 63C 2 2
MIRT491211 MLLT1 MLLT1, super elongation complex subunit 2 4
MIRT491276 DHX40 DEAH-box helicase 40 2 2
MIRT495162 CNGA2 cyclic nucleotide gated channel alpha 2 2 4
MIRT495222 DSCR3 DSCR3 arrestin fold containing 2 2
MIRT496820 CHRNB2 cholinergic receptor nicotinic beta 2 subunit 2 2
MIRT498602 KRT8 keratin 8 2 2
MIRT500003 HIST1H2BD histone cluster 1 H2B family member d 2 4
MIRT502065 KRAS KRAS proto-oncogene, GTPase 2 2
MIRT508197 SLC35E1 solute carrier family 35 member E1 2 2
MIRT508477 FAM71F2 family with sequence similarity 71 member F2 2 2
MIRT509635 RRP7A ribosomal RNA processing 7 homolog A 2 4
MIRT511039 NRF1 nuclear respiratory factor 1 2 2
MIRT516684 ZNF860 zinc finger protein 860 2 4
MIRT518394 ZNF250 zinc finger protein 250 2 2
MIRT518907 CDC14B cell division cycle 14B 2 2
MIRT520502 TRAM2 translocation associated membrane protein 2 2 6
MIRT521459 RAD51 RAD51 recombinase 2 2
MIRT522354 NCKIPSD NCK interacting protein with SH3 domain 2 4
MIRT522594 MAPK1IP1L mitogen-activated protein kinase 1 interacting protein 1 like 2 2
MIRT523267 HIST1H2AE histone cluster 1 H2A family member e 2 2
MIRT523532 GLUL glutamate-ammonia ligase 2 4
MIRT524186 DFFA DNA fragmentation factor subunit alpha 2 2
MIRT526842 PHC1 polyhomeotic homolog 1 2 2
MIRT528729 FAM26E calcium homeostasis modulator family member 5 2 2
MIRT540695 BMP3 bone morphogenetic protein 3 2 2
MIRT544483 TRIM4 tripartite motif containing 4 2 2
MIRT551566 LETM1 leucine zipper and EF-hand containing transmembrane protein 1 2 2
MIRT563619 ZNF277 zinc finger protein 277 2 2
MIRT564467 SLC35E2 solute carrier family 35 member E2 2 2
MIRT565031 VAV2 vav guanine nucleotide exchange factor 2 2 2
MIRT570294 ARPC3 actin related protein 2/3 complex subunit 3 2 2
MIRT572932 VDAC2 voltage dependent anion channel 2 2 2
MIRT573501 IQSEC3 IQ motif and Sec7 domain 3 2 2
MIRT573675 HES6 hes family bHLH transcription factor 6 2 2
MIRT609619 TRPC4AP transient receptor potential cation channel subfamily C member 4 associated protein 2 2
MIRT611966 PKD1 polycystin 1, transient receptor potential channel interacting 2 2
MIRT613930 HIVEP3 human immunodeficiency virus type I enhancer binding protein 3 2 2
MIRT617733 ATCAY ATCAY, caytaxin 2 4
MIRT618878 MBL2 mannose binding lectin 2 2 2
MIRT627590 SHROOM3 shroom family member 3 2 2
MIRT628516 ZNF878 zinc finger protein 878 2 2
MIRT633964 GRWD1 glutamate rich WD repeat containing 1 2 2
MIRT634530 NEGR1 neuronal growth regulator 1 2 2
MIRT635455 APOLD1 apolipoprotein L domain containing 1 2 2
MIRT636412 MTHFD2 methylenetetrahydrofolate dehydrogenase (NADP+ dependent) 2, methenyltetrahydrofolate cyclohydrolase 2 2
MIRT639672 PPEF2 protein phosphatase with EF-hand domain 2 2 6
MIRT642667 RGS6 regulator of G protein signaling 6 2 2
MIRT644080 A4GALT alpha 1,4-galactosyltransferase (P blood group) 2 2
MIRT647318 RPH3AL rabphilin 3A like (without C2 domains) 2 2
MIRT647942 RNF152 ring finger protein 152 2 2
MIRT648687 AP1M1 adaptor related protein complex 1 mu 1 subunit 2 2
MIRT648817 ZNF689 zinc finger protein 689 2 2
MIRT650347 TREM1 triggering receptor expressed on myeloid cells 1 2 2
MIRT650374 MOCS3 molybdenum cofactor synthesis 3 2 4
MIRT655935 NDUFA4P1 NDUFA4, mitochondrial complex associated pseudogene 1 2 2
MIRT663778 PEX26 peroxisomal biogenesis factor 26 2 2
MIRT664297 HINT1 histidine triad nucleotide binding protein 1 2 2
MIRT665842 TIAL1 TIA1 cytotoxic granule associated RNA binding protein like 1 2 2
MIRT668929 COL9A2 collagen type IX alpha 2 chain 2 2
MIRT669673 ACAP2 ArfGAP with coiled-coil, ankyrin repeat and PH domains 2 2 2
MIRT669907 KIAA0754 KIAA0754 2 4
MIRT670248 TRIM13 tripartite motif containing 13 2 2
MIRT670368 ULBP3 UL16 binding protein 3 2 4
MIRT670642 BVES blood vessel epicardial substance 2 2
MIRT670749 HOOK3 hook microtubule tethering protein 3 2 2
MIRT671184 ZNF891 zinc finger protein 891 2 2
MIRT673946 ZNF500 zinc finger protein 500 2 2
MIRT674682 PLCE1 phospholipase C epsilon 1 2 2
MIRT677912 HIST1H2BN histone cluster 1 H2B family member n 2 2
MIRT678876 FAM118A family with sequence similarity 118 member A 2 2
MIRT679528 RAB36 RAB36, member RAS oncogene family 2 2
MIRT680589 ZNF573 zinc finger protein 573 2 2
MIRT680650 KIAA1456 KIAA1456 2 2
MIRT681149 INTS7 integrator complex subunit 7 2 2
MIRT681177 IBA57 IBA57 homolog, iron-sulfur cluster assembly 2 2
MIRT681234 DUSP19 dual specificity phosphatase 19 2 2
MIRT681626 F2RL2 coagulation factor II thrombin receptor like 2 2 2
MIRT681643 SCRG1 stimulator of chondrogenesis 1 2 2
MIRT681926 KAT7 lysine acetyltransferase 7 2 2
MIRT682050 MRPS10 mitochondrial ribosomal protein S10 2 2
MIRT682156 SMS spermine synthase 2 2
MIRT683555 HAVCR1 hepatitis A virus cellular receptor 1 2 2
MIRT684304 TRUB2 TruB pseudouridine synthase family member 2 2 2
MIRT684458 MFSD4 major facilitator superfamily domain containing 4A 2 2
MIRT685986 CCDC77 coiled-coil domain containing 77 2 2
MIRT686782 AZF1 azoospermia factor 1 2 2
MIRT687329 OSMR oncostatin M receptor 2 2
MIRT687629 LRIG2 leucine rich repeats and immunoglobulin like domains 2 2 2
MIRT688792 CCNB1 cyclin B1 2 2
MIRT689756 PRR13 proline rich 13 2 2
MIRT690823 SGSM2 small G protein signaling modulator 2 2 2
MIRT691310 ZNF681 zinc finger protein 681 2 2
MIRT692676 ZMYM1 zinc finger MYM-type containing 1 2 2
MIRT693508 MOB3A MOB kinase activator 3A 2 2
MIRT694657 C14orf119 chromosome 14 open reading frame 119 2 2
MIRT694889 ZNF417 zinc finger protein 417 2 2
MIRT695740 ZNF117 zinc finger protein 117 2 2
MIRT697101 GPKOW G-patch domain and KOW motifs 2 2
MIRT698968 SPAST spastin 2 2
MIRT700379 RAB33B RAB33B, member RAS oncogene family 2 2
MIRT703930 EPG5 ectopic P-granules autophagy protein 5 homolog 2 2
MIRT706234 SYT15 synaptotagmin 15 2 2
MIRT706494 SEPT6 septin 6 2 2
MIRT710451 BTNL3 butyrophilin like 3 2 2
MIRT711684 ATF7IP activating transcription factor 7 interacting protein 2 2
MIRT711997 F9 coagulation factor IX 2 2
MIRT712727 NCAPG2 non-SMC condensin II complex subunit G2 2 2
MIRT713111 TMBIM4 transmembrane BAX inhibitor motif containing 4 2 2
MIRT713156 YWHAZ tyrosine 3-monooxygenase/tryptophan 5-monooxygenase activation protein zeta 2 2
MIRT713440 AJAP1 adherens junctions associated protein 1 2 2
MIRT713830 NUP98 nucleoporin 98 2 2
MIRT714979 RAB21 RAB21, member RAS oncogene family 2 2
MIRT717411 ZCCHC24 zinc finger CCHC-type containing 24 2 2
MIRT718433 ZNF85 zinc finger protein 85 2 2
MIRT720575 SDHAF2 succinate dehydrogenase complex assembly factor 2 2 2
MIRT725098 TMEM120B transmembrane protein 120B 2 2
miRNA-Drug Associations
miRNA Small Melocule FDA CID Detection Method Condition PMID Year Expression Pattern of miRNA
miR-3192 5-Fluorouracil approved 3385 Microarray CNE cells 22614822 2012 up-regulated
miRNA-Drug Resistance Associations
miRNA Drug Name CID NSC FDA Effect/Pattern Detection Method Level Phenotype Condition
hsa-mir-3192 Dabrafenib 44462760 NSC764134 approved resistant cell line (A375)
hsa-mir-3192 Cisplatin 5460033 NSC119875 approved sensitive cell line (BxPC3)
hsa-miR-3192-5p Temozolomide 5394 NSC362856 approved sensitive cell line (U251)
hsa-miR-3192-5p Gefitinib 123631 NSC715055 approved resistant cell line (PC9)
hsa-miR-3192-5p Cisplatin 5460033 NSC119875 approved resistant cell line (A549)
hsa-miR-3192-5p Gefitinib 123631 NSC715055 approved sensitive cell line (HCC827)
hsa-miR-3192-5p Platinum 23939 resistant tissue
hsa-miR-3192-5p Cisplatin 5460033 NSC119875 approved sensitive cell line (A549)
hsa-miR-3192-5p Gemcitabine 60750 NSC613327 approved sensitive cell line (PANC-1) (1500 ng/ml)
hsa-miR-3192-5p Gemcitabine 60750 NSC613327 approved sensitive cell line (PANC-1) (100 ng/ml)

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