pre-miRNA Information
pre-miRNA hsa-mir-4491   
Genomic Coordinates chr11: 111347757 - 111347824
Description Homo sapiens miR-4491 stem-loop
Comment None
RNA Secondary Structure

Mature miRNA Information
Mature miRNA hsa-miR-4491
Evidence Experimental
Experiments Illumina
SNPs in miRNA
Mutant ID Mutant Position Mutant Source
rs1043555759 4 dbSNP
rs1182248607 6 dbSNP
rs527936256 7 dbSNP
rs755554417 14 dbSNP
rs779628583 16 dbSNP
rs1471408223 19 dbSNP
rs909066815 20 dbSNP
Putative Targets

Gene Information
Gene Symbol CCBL2
Experimental Support 1 for Functional miRNA-Target Interaction
miRNA:Target ----
Validation Method
Conditions HEK293
Disease 56267.0
Location of target site 3'UTR
Tools used in this research TargetScan , miRTarCLIP , Piranha
Original Description (Extracted from the article) ... "PAR-CLIP data was present in GSM714645. RNA binding protein: AGO2. Condition:completeT1 ...

- Kishore S; Jaskiewicz L; Burger L; Hausser et al., 2011, Nature methods.

miRNA-target interactions (Provided by authors)
ID Duplex structure Position
miRNA  3' aaaccAGUGUG----GUCAGGUGUAa 5'
               |:|:||    :| ||||||| 
1 - 23
Article - Kishore S; Jaskiewicz L; Burger L; Hausser et al.
- Nature methods, 2011
Cross-linking and immunoprecipitation (CLIP) is increasingly used to map transcriptome-wide binding sites of RNA-binding proteins. We developed a method for CLIP data analysis, and applied it to compare CLIP with photoactivatable ribonucleoside-enhanced CLIP (PAR-CLIP) and to uncover how differences in cross-linking and ribonuclease digestion affect the identified sites. We found only small differences in accuracies of these methods in identifying binding sites of HuR, which binds low-complexity sequences, and Argonaute 2, which has a complex binding specificity. We found that cross-link-induced mutations led to single-nucleotide resolution for both PAR-CLIP and CLIP. Our results confirm the expectation from original CLIP publications that RNA-binding proteins do not protect their binding sites sufficiently under the denaturing conditions used during the CLIP procedure, and we show that extensive digestion with sequence-specific RNases strongly biases the recovered binding sites. This bias can be substantially reduced by milder nuclease digestion conditions.
LinkOut: [PMID: 21572407]
CLIP-seq Support 1 for dataset GSM714645
Method / RBP PAR-CLIP / AGO2
Cell line / Condition HEK293 / completeT1, repB
Location of target site ENST00000370485.2 | 3UTR | uauuauacuaaauacuccacauaacccacuug
Tools used in this analysis TargetScan, miRTarCLIP, and Piranha
Article / Accession Series PMID: 21572407 / GSE28865
CLIP-seq Viewer Link
MiRNA-Target Expression Profile
Dataset Pearson Correlation P-value for Pearson Correlation Spearman Correlation P-value for Spearman Correlation Samples Chart
MiRNA-Target Expression Profile (TCGA)
Tumor Pearson Correlation P-value for Pearson Correlation Spearman Correlation P-value for Spearman Correlation Samples Chart
67 hsa-miR-4491 Target Genes:
Functional analysis:
ID Target Description Validation methods
Strong evidence Less strong evidence
MIRT056779 ARID5B AT-rich interaction domain 5B 2 2
MIRT061577 BTG2 BTG anti-proliferation factor 2 2 2
MIRT063828 SRP9 signal recognition particle 9 2 4
MIRT102306 DNAJB9 DnaJ heat shock protein family (Hsp40) member B9 2 10
MIRT186634 COX20 COX20, cytochrome c oxidase assembly factor 2 8
MIRT191243 STYX serine/threonine/tyrosine interacting protein 2 2
MIRT195908 SRSF11 serine and arginine rich splicing factor 11 2 4
MIRT240343 UBXN2B UBX domain protein 2B 2 2
MIRT271178 PTPN14 protein tyrosine phosphatase, non-receptor type 14 2 2
MIRT286219 TMEM97 transmembrane protein 97 2 4
MIRT314182 OCLN occludin 2 4
MIRT323938 AKAP2 A-kinase anchoring protein 2 2 4
MIRT323940 PALM2-AKAP2 PALM2-AKAP2 readthrough 2 4
MIRT340113 TXLNA taxilin alpha 2 2
MIRT450333 LRWD1 leucine rich repeats and WD repeat domain containing 1 2 2
MIRT451283 ZNF101 zinc finger protein 101 2 2
MIRT451879 SOD2 superoxide dismutase 2 2 8
MIRT453577 CRCP CGRP receptor component 2 2
MIRT454366 ASAH2 N-acylsphingosine amidohydrolase 2 2 2
MIRT454797 STOML3 stomatin like 3 2 2
MIRT459801 POTED POTE ankyrin domain family member D 2 10
MIRT460911 POLQ DNA polymerase theta 2 2
MIRT468082 SHOC2 SHOC2, leucine rich repeat scaffold protein 2 6
MIRT470281 PRKAA1 protein kinase AMP-activated catalytic subunit alpha 1 2 2
MIRT471876 NUFIP2 NUFIP2, FMR1 interacting protein 2 2 2
MIRT476147 GPR137C G protein-coupled receptor 137C 2 8
MIRT478056 DNAJC10 DnaJ heat shock protein family (Hsp40) member C10 2 10
MIRT501054 SMCR8 Smith-Magenis syndrome chromosome region, candidate 8 2 4
MIRT501732 OVOL1 ovo like transcriptional repressor 1 2 2
MIRT502214 HSPB8 heat shock protein family B (small) member 8 2 2
MIRT505243 UBE2D3 ubiquitin conjugating enzyme E2 D3 2 2
MIRT505957 RAN RAN, member RAS oncogene family 2 6
MIRT507996 BCL2L13 BCL2 like 13 2 4
MIRT510433 ZNF207 zinc finger protein 207 2 6
MIRT510827 SBNO1 strawberry notch homolog 1 2 4
MIRT511493 HNRNPA0 heterogeneous nuclear ribonucleoprotein A0 2 4
MIRT512129 CREBL2 cAMP responsive element binding protein like 2 2 8
MIRT514512 SHISA9 shisa family member 9 2 4
MIRT516482 RAB32 RAB32, member RAS oncogene family 2 4
MIRT519514 RBM22 RNA binding motif protein 22 2 4
MIRT523367 GTF2A1 general transcription factor IIA subunit 1 2 2
MIRT524217 DDI2 DNA damage inducible 1 homolog 2 2 6
MIRT524649 C4orf32 family with sequence similarity 241 member A 2 2
MIRT528297 ZNF76 zinc finger protein 76 2 2
MIRT528577 ITGB3BP integrin subunit beta 3 binding protein 2 2
MIRT530458 SULT1B1 sulfotransferase family 1B member 1 2 2
MIRT535774 MYCN MYCN proto-oncogene, bHLH transcription factor 2 2
MIRT544239 CCBL2 kynurenine aminotransferase 3 2 2
MIRT546733 RNF217 ring finger protein 217 2 2
MIRT550360 INCENP inner centromere protein 2 4
MIRT553343 TRPC3 transient receptor potential cation channel subfamily C member 3 2 4
MIRT556629 LAPTM4A lysosomal protein transmembrane 4 alpha 2 2
MIRT558006 FAM122B family with sequence similarity 122B 2 2
MIRT558994 CA8 carbonic anhydrase 8 2 2
MIRT560418 ENTPD1 ectonucleoside triphosphate diphosphohydrolase 1 2 2
MIRT565717 SESN3 sestrin 3 2 2
MIRT566271 PTAR1 protein prenyltransferase alpha subunit repeat containing 1 2 2
MIRT568161 CCDC6 coiled-coil domain containing 6 2 2
MIRT569753 C2orf71 chromosome 2 open reading frame 71 2 2
MIRT573959 FIGNL1 fidgetin like 1 2 2
MIRT574530 PEG10 paternally expressed 10 2 2
MIRT609453 CCDC149 coiled-coil domain containing 149 2 2
MIRT614047 THBS2 thrombospondin 2 2 2
MIRT628418 ATMIN ATM interactor 2 2
MIRT689556 XPO6 exportin 6 2 2
MIRT725598 CDH7 cadherin 7 2 2
MIRT735561 TRIM7 tripartite motif containing 7 3 0
miRNA-Drug Associations
miRNA Small Melocule FDA CID Detection Method Condition PMID Year Expression Pattern of miRNA
miR-4 Dexamethasone approved 5743 Microarray primary rat thymocytes 20847043 2010 up-regulated

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