pre-miRNA Information
pre-miRNA hsa-mir-6839   
Genomic Coordinates chr7: 64679064 - 64679176
Description Homo sapiens miR-6839 stem-loop
Comment None
RNA Secondary Structure

Mature miRNA Information
Mature miRNA hsa-miR-6839-3p
Evidence Experimental
Experiments Meta-analysis
DRVs in miRNA
Mutant ID Mutant Position Mutant Source
COSN15661209 19 COSMIC
SNPs in miRNA
Mutant ID Mutant Position Mutant Source
rs1426245091 3 dbSNP
rs533324498 6 dbSNP
rs1169594864 16 dbSNP
Putative Targets

miRNA Expression profile
miRNAs in Extracellular Vesicles
Circulating MicroRNA Expression Profiling
Gene Information
Gene Symbol SLC1A5   
Synonyms AAAT, ASCT2, ATBO, M7V1, M7VS1, R16, RDRC
Description solute carrier family 1 member 5
Transcript NM_001145144   
Other Transcripts NM_001145145 , NM_005628   
Putative miRNA Targets on SLC1A5
3'UTR of SLC1A5
(miRNA target sites are highlighted)
Target sites Provided by authors   Predicted by miRanda    DRVs    SNPs    DRVs & SNPs
miRNA-target interactions
(Predicted by miRanda)
ID Duplex structure Position Score MFE
miRNA  3' gaccuaacuucucUUUUGGGuu 5'
Target 5' agggttactcctcAAAACCCcc 3'
185 - 206 125.00 -10.50
             |: |||:|| ||| |||:: 
551 - 573 107.00 -9.60
miRNA  3' gaccuaacuucucuuUUGGGUu 5'
Target 5' ctcactcatgtccccAACTCAa 3'
211 - 232 104.00 -5.60
DRVs in gene 3'UTRs
Mutant ID Mutant Position Mutant Source
COSN30139477 2 COSMIC
COSN30717183 5 COSMIC
COSN31600850 6 COSMIC
COSN30525265 19 COSMIC
COSN31493057 20 COSMIC
COSN30513356 29 COSMIC
COSN30130209 69 COSMIC
COSN30464003 91 COSMIC
COSN31510557 99 COSMIC
COSN30502969 106 COSMIC
COSN30181003 135 COSMIC
COSN22476874 211 COSMIC
COSN6145609 356 COSMIC
COSN23527959 388 COSMIC
SNPs in gene 3'UTRs
Mutant ID Mutant Position Mutant Source
rs1294270631 2 dbSNP
rs1382253740 3 dbSNP
rs774538305 4 dbSNP
rs529969003 5 dbSNP
rs749445334 6 dbSNP
rs1405868357 8 dbSNP
rs1177559354 9 dbSNP
rs1471094395 10 dbSNP
rs773479751 11 dbSNP
rs1372044580 12 dbSNP
rs769987963 14 dbSNP
rs1429127279 15 dbSNP
rs748169342 18 dbSNP
rs1397426234 22 dbSNP
rs1367372212 23 dbSNP
rs1012474872 25 dbSNP
rs895261202 28 dbSNP
rs1460801031 30 dbSNP
rs1048948513 31 dbSNP
rs780156575 32 dbSNP
rs1337066298 33 dbSNP
rs377465288 34 dbSNP
rs771858328 40 dbSNP
rs1384165667 45 dbSNP
rs745711019 46 dbSNP
rs1319192502 47 dbSNP
rs778544872 48 dbSNP
rs560908326 54 dbSNP
rs897170954 57 dbSNP
rs62134839 59 dbSNP
rs944312611 65 dbSNP
rs1276610846 69 dbSNP
rs1348506399 72 dbSNP
rs912790304 79 dbSNP
rs1233417286 94 dbSNP
rs1414005292 96 dbSNP
rs1489132785 101 dbSNP
rs1205409320 106 dbSNP
rs1353329925 120 dbSNP
rs1260596553 123 dbSNP
rs1314703519 129 dbSNP
rs1444848827 135 dbSNP
rs1448645914 147 dbSNP
rs371673136 160 dbSNP
rs1253018308 164 dbSNP
rs901214366 170 dbSNP
rs932806897 177 dbSNP
rs1408434968 181 dbSNP
rs1041437498 186 dbSNP
rs921744848 190 dbSNP
rs1475108240 207 dbSNP
rs564639315 215 dbSNP
rs1380674556 219 dbSNP
rs989229957 221 dbSNP
rs1371773890 225 dbSNP
rs1440136986 227 dbSNP
rs957739063 228 dbSNP
rs911284368 236 dbSNP
rs1318566297 237 dbSNP
rs1483840485 239 dbSNP
rs769333918 251 dbSNP
rs930490496 253 dbSNP
rs1201749021 254 dbSNP
rs1211215970 258 dbSNP
rs1273301944 262 dbSNP
rs143229941 263 dbSNP
rs576215661 273 dbSNP
rs1232273870 274 dbSNP
rs1332481316 281 dbSNP
rs73566928 282 dbSNP
rs1034698891 296 dbSNP
rs1451941832 300 dbSNP
rs981704800 302 dbSNP
rs1395380329 303 dbSNP
rs969130290 303 dbSNP
rs1297695569 311 dbSNP
rs35076856 316 dbSNP
rs1023312093 317 dbSNP
rs1010599069 323 dbSNP
rs1332355890 333 dbSNP
rs1012115456 337 dbSNP
rs748117764 340 dbSNP
rs542885033 346 dbSNP
rs1391841053 350 dbSNP
rs113044612 352 dbSNP
rs1333726322 358 dbSNP
rs1392775990 362 dbSNP
rs1234791793 366 dbSNP
rs534714866 370 dbSNP
rs1273400141 371 dbSNP
rs1026740741 377 dbSNP
rs995564030 385 dbSNP
rs139875462 387 dbSNP
rs760442190 388 dbSNP
rs897223044 389 dbSNP
rs1037019762 393 dbSNP
rs944030393 401 dbSNP
rs554098570 402 dbSNP
rs1481912608 405 dbSNP
rs936559265 406 dbSNP
rs181186987 408 dbSNP
rs891413292 410 dbSNP
rs1050430918 416 dbSNP
rs1031587228 417 dbSNP
rs932878552 420 dbSNP
rs1418846117 421 dbSNP
rs1474966191 425 dbSNP
rs1238233418 426 dbSNP
rs778948051 427 dbSNP
rs780342287 427 dbSNP
rs749164545 429 dbSNP
rs750711937 429 dbSNP
rs1212711014 430 dbSNP
rs1462460759 431 dbSNP
rs901389862 431 dbSNP
rs1041083415 433 dbSNP
rs1006865850 434 dbSNP
rs1416375968 435 dbSNP
rs889776229 435 dbSNP
rs1266997543 437 dbSNP
rs1231010107 450 dbSNP
rs1221958998 454 dbSNP
rs1297122959 456 dbSNP
rs1186028740 458 dbSNP
rs1228858837 458 dbSNP
rs1251235076 458 dbSNP
rs1323283367 458 dbSNP
rs1394399577 458 dbSNP
rs1429175956 458 dbSNP
rs1436433858 458 dbSNP
rs143976687 458 dbSNP
rs147659556 458 dbSNP
rs1482318749 458 dbSNP
rs55753437 458 dbSNP
rs59359060 458 dbSNP
rs71340612 458 dbSNP
rs758231406 458 dbSNP
rs765224486 458 dbSNP
rs79749608 458 dbSNP
rs878892310 458 dbSNP
rs1290248288 459 dbSNP
rs1313272677 459 dbSNP
rs1362118315 459 dbSNP
rs751841442 459 dbSNP
rs776529948 459 dbSNP
rs1213475072 471 dbSNP
rs1048532658 477 dbSNP
rs1340679263 479 dbSNP
rs931382330 480 dbSNP
rs190264892 483 dbSNP
rs143857841 484 dbSNP
rs1208344862 489 dbSNP
rs940621534 505 dbSNP
rs558276473 507 dbSNP
rs1244044624 509 dbSNP
rs1379238014 514 dbSNP
rs1486272583 516 dbSNP
rs1186004300 521 dbSNP
rs1246202911 526 dbSNP
rs1455547767 527 dbSNP
rs927847826 529 dbSNP
rs1394309208 530 dbSNP
rs1310022722 535 dbSNP
rs1432620372 540 dbSNP
rs936422020 547 dbSNP
rs1160925466 550 dbSNP
rs377412405 551 dbSNP
rs1345427361 561 dbSNP
rs117158128 569 dbSNP
rs1429524786 569 dbSNP
rs969056658 575 dbSNP
rs1443806815 576 dbSNP
rs1304776435 577 dbSNP
rs1370797045 588 dbSNP
rs1217827274 589 dbSNP
rs1317754960 590 dbSNP
rs1215267449 594 dbSNP
rs1266345434 612 dbSNP
Experimental Support 1 for Functional miRNA-Target Interaction
miRNA:Target ----
Validation Method
Conditions HEK293S
Location of target site 3'UTR
Tools used in this research TargetScan , miRTarCLIP , Piranha
Original Description (Extracted from the article) ... HITS-CLIP data was present in GSM1084065. RNA binding protein: AGO2. Condition:CLIP_emetine_AbnovaAb HITS-CLIP data was present in GSM1084078. RNA binding protein: AGO2. Condition:CLIP_nohippuristanol_rep2_AbnovaAb ...

- Karginov FV; Hannon GJ, 2013, Genes & development.

miRNA-target interactions (Provided by authors)
ID Duplex structure Position
miRNA  3' gaccuaaCUUCUCUUUUGG-GUu 5'
                 |||| |:|:::: || 
Target 5' ---ccaaGAAGUGGAGGUUGCAg 3'
1 - 20
Article - Karginov FV; Hannon GJ
- Genes & development, 2013
When adapting to environmental stress, cells attenuate and reprogram their translational output. In part, these altered translation profiles are established through changes in the interactions between RNA-binding proteins and mRNAs. The Argonaute 2 (Ago2)/microRNA (miRNA) machinery has been shown to participate in stress-induced translational up-regulation of a particular mRNA, CAT-1; however, a detailed, transcriptome-wide understanding of the involvement of Ago2 in the process has been lacking. Here, we profiled the overall changes in Ago2-mRNA interactions upon arsenite stress by cross-linking immunoprecipitation (CLIP) followed by high-throughput sequencing (CLIP-seq). Ago2 displayed a significant remodeling of its transcript occupancy, with the majority of 3' untranslated region (UTR) and coding sequence (CDS) sites exhibiting stronger interaction. Interestingly, target sites that were destined for release from Ago2 upon stress were depleted in miRNA complementarity signatures, suggesting an alternative mode of interaction. To compare the changes in Ago2-binding patterns across transcripts with changes in their translational states, we measured mRNA profiles on ribosome/polysome gradients by RNA sequencing (RNA-seq). Increased Ago2 occupancy correlated with stronger repression of translation for those mRNAs, as evidenced by a shift toward lighter gradient fractions upon stress, while release of Ago2 was associated with the limited number of transcripts that remained translated. Taken together, these data point to a role for Ago2 and the mammalian miRNAs in mediating the translational component of the stress response.
LinkOut: [PMID: 23824327]
CLIP-seq Support 1 for dataset GSM1084065
Cell line / Condition HEK293S / CLIP_emetine_AbnovaAb
Location of target site ENST00000542575.2 | 3UTR | CCAAGAAGUGGAGGUUGCAGUGA
Tools used in this analysis TargetScan, miRTarCLIP, and Piranha
Article / Accession Series PMID: 23824327 / GSE44404
CLIP-seq Viewer Link
CLIP-seq Support 2 for dataset GSM1084078
Cell line / Condition HEK293S / CLIP_nohippuristanol_rep2_AbnovaAb
Location of target site ENST00000542575.2 | 3UTR | CCAAGAAGUGGAGGUUGCAGU
Tools used in this analysis TargetScan, miRTarCLIP, and Piranha
Article / Accession Series PMID: 23824327 / GSE44404
CLIP-seq Viewer Link
MiRNA-Target Expression Profile
Dataset Pearson Correlation P-value for Pearson Correlation Spearman Correlation P-value for Spearman Correlation Samples Chart
MiRNA-Target Expression Profile (TCGA)
Tumor Pearson Correlation P-value for Pearson Correlation Spearman Correlation P-value for Spearman Correlation Samples Chart
62 hsa-miR-6839-3p Target Genes:
Functional analysis:
ID Target Description Validation methods
Strong evidence Less strong evidence
MIRT059162 TXNIP thioredoxin interacting protein 2 2
MIRT064872 ZBTB18 zinc finger and BTB domain containing 18 2 2
MIRT065802 HOXC8 homeobox C8 2 4
MIRT106005 SDCBP syndecan binding protein 2 2
MIRT275773 TFDP1 transcription factor Dp-1 2 2
MIRT314032 PAPD7 poly(A) RNA polymerase D7, non-canonical 2 2
MIRT360277 HIST1H2BE histone cluster 1 H2B family member e 2 8
MIRT360301 HIST1H2BH histone cluster 1 H2B family member h 2 2
MIRT450086 OR2A4 olfactory receptor family 2 subfamily A member 4 2 2
MIRT468815 RSRC2 arginine and serine rich coiled-coil 2 2 6
MIRT475093 IRF2BP2 interferon regulatory factor 2 binding protein 2 2 4
MIRT477575 EIF1AD eukaryotic translation initiation factor 1A domain containing 2 2
MIRT483926 LCORL ligand dependent nuclear receptor corepressor like 2 6
MIRT504381 HIST1H1C histone cluster 1 H1 family member c 2 4
MIRT506970 HNRNPUL1 heterogeneous nuclear ribonucleoprotein U like 1 2 6
MIRT507028 HIST1H3B histone cluster 1 H3 family member b 2 6
MIRT511561 HIST3H2BB histone cluster 3 H2B family member b 2 4
MIRT511650 HIST1H3D histone cluster 1 H3 family member d 2 6
MIRT511696 HIST1H2BL histone cluster 1 H2B family member l 2 4
MIRT511737 HIST1H2BB histone cluster 1 H2B family member b 2 6
MIRT511746 HIST1H2BA histone cluster 1 H2B family member a 2 8
MIRT515260 CSNK1E casein kinase 1 epsilon 2 2
MIRT516220 RAB3B RAB3B, member RAS oncogene family 2 4
MIRT523281 HIST1H1E histone cluster 1 H1 family member e 2 2
MIRT524121 DMXL1 Dmx like 1 2 2
MIRT530744 GPR82 G protein-coupled receptor 82 2 2
MIRT532214 CCDC117 coiled-coil domain containing 117 2 2
MIRT546182 TPRG1L tumor protein p63 regulated 1 like 2 2
MIRT558638 CNNM2 cyclin and CBS domain divalent metal cation transport mediator 2 2 2
MIRT559562 ARF1 ADP ribosylation factor 1 2 4
MIRT560680 HIST1H1T histone cluster 1 H1 family member t 2 2
MIRT570746 AAK1 AP2 associated kinase 1 2 2
MIRT609518 RAB3IP RAB3A interacting protein 2 2
MIRT612583 SYNGAP1 synaptic Ras GTPase activating protein 1 2 4
MIRT615733 RIOK3 RIO kinase 3 2 2
MIRT616068 SIX1 SIX homeobox 1 2 2
MIRT617903 SGCD sarcoglycan delta 2 2
MIRT620851 SERPING1 serpin family G member 1 2 2
MIRT625107 SLC1A5 solute carrier family 1 member 5 2 2
MIRT625120 NUP93 nucleoporin 93 2 2
MIRT625893 LINC00632 long intergenic non-protein coding RNA 632 2 2
MIRT626569 MED7 mediator complex subunit 7 2 2
MIRT626694 ZFP14 ZFP14 zinc finger protein 2 4
MIRT626808 PRR11 proline rich 11 2 2
MIRT628131 HM13 histocompatibility minor 13 2 2
MIRT636596 DCAF5 DDB1 and CUL4 associated factor 5 2 2
MIRT649866 SLFN12L schlafen family member 12 like 2 2
MIRT652133 TRPM7 transient receptor potential cation channel subfamily M member 7 2 2
MIRT652663 TIMELESS timeless circadian clock 2 2
MIRT658335 FAM83D family with sequence similarity 83 member D 2 2
MIRT660615 ANKS4B ankyrin repeat and sterile alpha motif domain containing 4B 2 2
MIRT666304 SLC22A3 solute carrier family 22 member 3 2 2
MIRT668528 ERGIC2 ERGIC and golgi 2 2 2
MIRT692510 PARD3 par-3 family cell polarity regulator 2 2
MIRT694784 DHFRL1 dihydrofolate reductase 2 2 2
MIRT700510 PTPN14 protein tyrosine phosphatase, non-receptor type 14 2 2
MIRT701438 NFYA nuclear transcription factor Y subunit alpha 2 2
MIRT710155 MTRF1L mitochondrial translational release factor 1 like 2 2
MIRT711436 DLC1 DLC1 Rho GTPase activating protein 2 2
MIRT716979 GPR155 G protein-coupled receptor 155 2 2
MIRT720155 POU2F2 POU class 2 homeobox 2 2 2
MIRT722512 DSTYK dual serine/threonine and tyrosine protein kinase 2 2

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