pre-miRNA Information
pre-miRNA hsa-mir-4301   
Genomic Coordinates chr11: 113450023 - 113450088
Description Homo sapiens miR-4301 stem-loop
Comment None
RNA Secondary Structure

Mature miRNA Information
Mature miRNA hsa-miR-4301
Evidence Experimental
Experiments SOLiD
SNPs in miRNA
Mutant ID Mutant Position Mutant Source
rs184176277 2 dbSNP
rs1191324913 13 dbSNP
rs1369198005 15 dbSNP
rs1036973189 16 dbSNP
rs944900541 18 dbSNP
Putative Targets

miRNA Expression profile
miRNAs in Extracellular Vesicles
Circulating MicroRNA Expression Profiling
Gene Information
Gene Symbol FAM26E
Experimental Support 1 for Functional miRNA-Target Interaction
miRNA:Target ----
Validation Method
Conditions HEK293S
Location of target site 3'UTR
Tools used in this research TargetScan , miRTarCLIP , Piranha
Original Description (Extracted from the article) ... HITS-CLIP data was present in GSM1084064. RNA binding protein: AGO2. Condition:CLIP_noemetine_AbnovaAb HITS-CLIP data was present in GSM1084065. RNA binding protein: AGO2. Condition:CLIP_emetine_AbnovaAb HITS-CLIP data was present in GSM1084068. RNA binding protein: AGO2. Condition:CLIP_noemetine_SigmaAb ...

- Karginov FV; Hannon GJ, 2013, Genes & development.

Article - Karginov FV; Hannon GJ
- Genes & development, 2013
When adapting to environmental stress, cells attenuate and reprogram their translational output. In part, these altered translation profiles are established through changes in the interactions between RNA-binding proteins and mRNAs. The Argonaute 2 (Ago2)/microRNA (miRNA) machinery has been shown to participate in stress-induced translational up-regulation of a particular mRNA, CAT-1; however, a detailed, transcriptome-wide understanding of the involvement of Ago2 in the process has been lacking. Here, we profiled the overall changes in Ago2-mRNA interactions upon arsenite stress by cross-linking immunoprecipitation (CLIP) followed by high-throughput sequencing (CLIP-seq). Ago2 displayed a significant remodeling of its transcript occupancy, with the majority of 3' untranslated region (UTR) and coding sequence (CDS) sites exhibiting stronger interaction. Interestingly, target sites that were destined for release from Ago2 upon stress were depleted in miRNA complementarity signatures, suggesting an alternative mode of interaction. To compare the changes in Ago2-binding patterns across transcripts with changes in their translational states, we measured mRNA profiles on ribosome/polysome gradients by RNA sequencing (RNA-seq). Increased Ago2 occupancy correlated with stronger repression of translation for those mRNAs, as evidenced by a shift toward lighter gradient fractions upon stress, while release of Ago2 was associated with the limited number of transcripts that remained translated. Taken together, these data point to a role for Ago2 and the mammalian miRNAs in mediating the translational component of the stress response.
LinkOut: [PMID: 23824327]
CLIP-seq Support 1 for dataset GSM1084064
Cell line / Condition HEK293S / CLIP_noemetine_AbnovaAb
Tools used in this analysis TargetScan, miRTarCLIP, and Piranha
Article / Accession Series PMID: 23824327 / GSE44404
CLIP-seq Viewer Link
CLIP-seq Support 2 for dataset GSM1084065
Cell line / Condition HEK293S / CLIP_emetine_AbnovaAb
Location of target site ENST00000368599.3 | 3UTR | GGAGGAGAGAGAGAGA
Tools used in this analysis TargetScan, miRTarCLIP, and Piranha
Article / Accession Series PMID: 23824327 / GSE44404
CLIP-seq Viewer Link
CLIP-seq Support 3 for dataset GSM1084068
Cell line / Condition HEK293S / CLIP_noemetine_SigmaAb
Location of target site ENST00000368599.3 | 3UTR | GGAGGAGAGAGAGAGAGAU
Tools used in this analysis TargetScan, miRTarCLIP, and Piranha
Article / Accession Series PMID: 23824327 / GSE44404
CLIP-seq Viewer Link
MiRNA-Target Expression Profile
Dataset Pearson Correlation P-value for Pearson Correlation Spearman Correlation P-value for Spearman Correlation Samples Chart
MiRNA-Target Expression Profile (TCGA)
Tumor Pearson Correlation P-value for Pearson Correlation Spearman Correlation P-value for Spearman Correlation Samples Chart
83 hsa-miR-4301 Target Genes:
Functional analysis:
ID Target Description Validation methods
Strong evidence Less strong evidence
MIRT081134 LDLR low density lipoprotein receptor 2 4
MIRT090911 ARHGEF26 Rho guanine nucleotide exchange factor 26 2 2
MIRT229436 MECP2 methyl-CpG binding protein 2 2 2
MIRT274717 CPSF6 cleavage and polyadenylation specific factor 6 2 2
MIRT350957 BACH1 BTB domain and CNC homolog 1 2 2
MIRT386722 NUFIP2 NUFIP2, FMR1 interacting protein 2 2 2
MIRT446022 PEX3 peroxisomal biogenesis factor 3 2 2
MIRT481303 ATP5G3 ATP synthase, H+ transporting, mitochondrial Fo complex subunit C3 (subunit 9) 2 14
MIRT483959 ZNF354B zinc finger protein 354B 2 6
MIRT495667 TUBAL3 tubulin alpha like 3 2 2
MIRT496554 TBX15 T-box 15 2 2
MIRT497702 ARL6IP6 ADP ribosylation factor like GTPase 6 interacting protein 6 2 2
MIRT498105 RMND5A required for meiotic nuclear division 5 homolog A 2 2
MIRT512535 SEMA4D semaphorin 4D 2 2
MIRT512556 MFN2 mitofusin 2 2 6
MIRT521465 RABGAP1 RAB GTPase activating protein 1 2 6
MIRT526236 C2orf15 chromosome 2 open reading frame 15 2 2
MIRT526743 HLA-DOB major histocompatibility complex, class II, DO beta 2 2
MIRT527578 BRD7 bromodomain containing 7 2 4
MIRT528038 WT1 Wilms tumor 1 2 2
MIRT528267 GPRIN2 G protein regulated inducer of neurite outgrowth 2 2 2
MIRT528505 HTR7 5-hydroxytryptamine receptor 7 2 4
MIRT528758 RPS27 ribosomal protein S27 2 6
MIRT528999 IPO9 importin 9 2 2
MIRT529701 MRPL30 mitochondrial ribosomal protein L30 2 2
MIRT529781 C17orf82 chromosome 17 open reading frame 82 2 2
MIRT533797 TMEM119 transmembrane protein 119 2 6
MIRT535308 PHF12 PHD finger protein 12 2 2
MIRT535917 MKL2 MKL1/myocardin like 2 2 2
MIRT544892 OSBPL1A oxysterol binding protein like 1A 2 2
MIRT555423 PPIC peptidylprolyl isomerase C 2 2
MIRT562068 KLHL15 kelch like family member 15 2 2
MIRT565623 SLC31A1 solute carrier family 31 member 1 2 2
MIRT565661 SIX1 SIX homeobox 1 2 2
MIRT570138 IL1RL2 interleukin 1 receptor like 2 2 2
MIRT571045 YRDC yrdC N6-threonylcarbamoyltransferase domain containing 2 2
MIRT621232 LMAN1 lectin, mannose binding 1 2 2
MIRT622272 SH3TC2 SH3 domain and tetratricopeptide repeats 2 2 2
MIRT623844 GAN gigaxonin 2 2
MIRT626158 NFYA nuclear transcription factor Y subunit alpha 2 2
MIRT626464 CMKLR1 chemerin chemokine-like receptor 1 2 2
MIRT632087 ALDH1A2 aldehyde dehydrogenase 1 family member A2 2 2
MIRT637243 FAM26E calcium homeostasis modulator family member 5 2 2
MIRT642710 FGFR1OP2 FGFR1 oncogene partner 2 2 2
MIRT643611 KANSL3 KAT8 regulatory NSL complex subunit 3 2 2
MIRT644270 PAFAH1B1 platelet activating factor acetylhydrolase 1b regulatory subunit 1 2 2
MIRT645470 SPIN3 spindlin family member 3 2 2
MIRT649193 DNPEP aspartyl aminopeptidase 2 2
MIRT650776 POP4 POP4 homolog, ribonuclease P/MRP subunit 2 2
MIRT651345 ZC2HC1C zinc finger C2HC-type containing 1C 2 2
MIRT652237 TRAPPC3L trafficking protein particle complex 3 like 2 2
MIRT652587 TIMM8A translocase of inner mitochondrial membrane 8A 2 2
MIRT654591 PURA purine rich element binding protein A 2 2
MIRT654649 PTAFR platelet activating factor receptor 2 2
MIRT656842 KLF7 Kruppel like factor 7 2 2
MIRT657209 IKZF2 IKAROS family zinc finger 2 2 2
MIRT658513 ETV3 ETS variant 3 2 2
MIRT659448 CNNM2 cyclin and CBS domain divalent metal cation transport mediator 2 2 2
MIRT668816 CYLD CYLD lysine 63 deubiquitinase 2 2
MIRT669067 CELSR3 cadherin EGF LAG seven-pass G-type receptor 3 2 2
MIRT677711 ELOF1 elongation factor 1 homolog 2 4
MIRT687146 PTPN12 protein tyrosine phosphatase, non-receptor type 12 2 2
MIRT698498 THOC2 THO complex 2 2 2
MIRT707930 PPP1R3D protein phosphatase 1 regulatory subunit 3D 4 2
MIRT708737 FAM71F2 family with sequence similarity 71 member F2 2 2
MIRT710031 POLL DNA polymerase lambda 2 2
MIRT712175 STK4 serine/threonine kinase 4 2 2
MIRT715297 MAPK1 mitogen-activated protein kinase 1 2 2
MIRT716892 AGPAT6 glycerol-3-phosphate acyltransferase 4 2 2
MIRT717378 RBM41 RNA binding motif protein 41 2 2
MIRT718082 CLIC5 chloride intracellular channel 5 2 2
MIRT718721 ANKRD18A ankyrin repeat domain 18A 2 2
MIRT719152 DPYSL5 dihydropyrimidinase like 5 2 2
MIRT719224 CAMK4 calcium/calmodulin dependent protein kinase IV 2 2
MIRT719528 SRCIN1 SRC kinase signaling inhibitor 1 2 2
MIRT719861 KLF2 Kruppel like factor 2 2 2
MIRT720326 CAMK2G calcium/calmodulin dependent protein kinase II gamma 2 2
MIRT721596 SREBF1 sterol regulatory element binding transcription factor 1 2 2
MIRT722020 NEBL nebulette 2 2
MIRT722484 QSOX1 quiescin sulfhydryl oxidase 1 2 2
MIRT722614 TEAD1 TEA domain transcription factor 1 2 2
MIRT723664 RPTN repetin 2 2
MIRT723939 SVOP SV2 related protein 2 2
miRNA-Drug Associations
miRNA Small Melocule FDA CID Detection Method Condition PMID Year Expression Pattern of miRNA
miR-4 Dexamethasone approved 5743 Microarray primary rat thymocytes 20847043 2010 up-regulated
miRNA-Drug Resistance Associations
miRNA Drug Name CID NSC FDA Effect/Pattern Detection Method Level Phenotype Condition
hsa-miR-4301 Cisplatin 5460033 NSC119875 approved sensitive High Hepatocellular Carcinoma cell line (Hep3B, 97L)
hsa-miR-4301 Imatinib 5291 NSC743414 approved resistant High Chronic Myelogenous Leukemia cell line (K562)
hsa-mir-4301 Paclitaxel 36314 NSC125973 approved resistant cell line (BAS)
hsa-mir-4301 Paclitaxel 36314 NSC125973 approved sensitive cell line (W1)
hsa-mir-4301 Doxorubicin 31703 NSC123127 approved sensitive cell line (W1)
hsa-mir-4301 Methotrexate 126941 NSC740 approved sensitive cell line (W1)
hsa-mir-4301 Topotecan 60699 NSC609699 approved sensitive cell line (W1)
hsa-miR-4301 Gefitinib 123631 NSC715055 approved resistant cell line (PC9)
hsa-miR-4301 Cisplatin 5460033 NSC119875 approved sensitive cell line (A549)

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