pre-miRNA Information
pre-miRNA hsa-mir-4697   
Genomic Coordinates chr11: 133898504 - 133898581
Description Homo sapiens miR-4697 stem-loop
Comment None
RNA Secondary Structure

Mature miRNA Information
Mature miRNA hsa-miR-4697-5p
Evidence Experimental
Experiments Illumina
SNPs in miRNA
Mutant ID Mutant Position Mutant Source
rs549326907 2 dbSNP
rs897782230 7 dbSNP
rs748950280 8 dbSNP
rs978998780 15 dbSNP
rs968922289 19 dbSNP
rs3802919 20 dbSNP
Putative Targets

miRNA Expression profile
Human miRNA Tissue Atlas
Circulating MicroRNA Expression Profiling
Gene Information
Gene Symbol MMP7   
Synonyms MMP-7, MPSL1, PUMP-1
Description matrix metallopeptidase 7
Transcript NM_002423   
Putative miRNA Targets on MMP7
3'UTR of MMP7
(miRNA target sites are highlighted)
Target sites Provided by authors   Predicted by miRanda    DRVs    SNPs    DRVs & SNPs
miRNA-target interactions
(Predicted by miRanda)
ID Duplex structure Position Score MFE
              | ||  ||||: ||:|| 
Target 5' ttgaTAAG-CACTGTTCCTCCa 3'
66 - 86 97.00 -12.00
              |:||  |:| :|:| || 
89 - 110 94.00 -12.60
miRNA  3' gugcaguCACUGACGCGGGGga 5'
Target 5' ttatggtGTGACTGTGTCTTat 3'
167 - 188 91.00 -20.80
DRVs in gene 3'UTRs
Mutant ID Mutant Position Mutant Source
COSN30493749 56 COSMIC
COSN31488984 63 COSMIC
COSN31509630 81 COSMIC
COSN30662712 111 COSMIC
COSN30519354 133 COSMIC
COSN25049266 264 COSMIC
SNPs in gene 3'UTRs
Mutant ID Mutant Position Mutant Source
rs1226491382 2 dbSNP
rs182425843 11 dbSNP
rs1278651866 13 dbSNP
rs1401615009 14 dbSNP
rs937847010 16 dbSNP
rs544005218 17 dbSNP
rs760754751 18 dbSNP
rs1291669787 19 dbSNP
rs1287865574 25 dbSNP
rs927786351 30 dbSNP
rs775546674 32 dbSNP
rs112871499 33 dbSNP
rs774751933 34 dbSNP
rs1375094361 36 dbSNP
rs748587798 36 dbSNP
rs767451851 38 dbSNP
rs759201915 39 dbSNP
rs981841979 41 dbSNP
rs1262751465 43 dbSNP
rs1292538925 44 dbSNP
rs1191956299 45 dbSNP
rs563576271 46 dbSNP
rs770421420 49 dbSNP
rs112030698 56 dbSNP
rs769385191 58 dbSNP
rs866055728 62 dbSNP
rs544099968 71 dbSNP
rs950448184 73 dbSNP
rs1026002714 74 dbSNP
rs575182290 78 dbSNP
rs56036922 81 dbSNP
rs14983 82 dbSNP
rs1177289220 84 dbSNP
rs1182965887 86 dbSNP
rs1416609466 104 dbSNP
rs960512782 107 dbSNP
rs17879370 111 dbSNP
rs1025434089 117 dbSNP
rs1191191166 117 dbSNP
rs994317063 117 dbSNP
rs780918972 118 dbSNP
rs1263332658 120 dbSNP
rs1330473178 122 dbSNP
rs551220239 124 dbSNP
rs1016972461 126 dbSNP
rs1018312334 132 dbSNP
rs750170232 133 dbSNP
rs1007770400 136 dbSNP
rs1195356336 144 dbSNP
rs1007167163 145 dbSNP
rs1315011855 156 dbSNP
rs544816774 164 dbSNP
rs572821037 170 dbSNP
rs1487119770 172 dbSNP
rs1248744324 176 dbSNP
rs1284978279 177 dbSNP
rs1292605888 181 dbSNP
rs890625915 183 dbSNP
rs1194355368 184 dbSNP
rs553010271 190 dbSNP
rs1030473595 195 dbSNP
rs1161120512 196 dbSNP
rs1202832460 202 dbSNP
rs189285508 206 dbSNP
rs998957160 208 dbSNP
rs1276414462 210 dbSNP
rs1218637612 211 dbSNP
rs567243507 213 dbSNP
rs1341190614 216 dbSNP
rs17886371 220 dbSNP
rs1398340780 226 dbSNP
rs891955772 229 dbSNP
rs1303732525 232 dbSNP
rs1450643099 233 dbSNP
rs77030579 234 dbSNP
rs925977233 237 dbSNP
rs1336510021 238 dbSNP
rs1404291690 244 dbSNP
rs1455056563 248 dbSNP
rs1314058887 252 dbSNP
rs1325981491 254 dbSNP
rs746458125 258 dbSNP
rs1271963504 261 dbSNP
MiRNA-Target Expression Profile
Dataset Pearson Correlation P-value for Pearson Correlation Spearman Correlation P-value for Spearman Correlation Samples Chart
MiRNA-Target Expression Profile (TCGA)
Tumor Pearson Correlation P-value for Pearson Correlation Spearman Correlation P-value for Spearman Correlation Samples Chart
67 hsa-miR-4697-5p Target Genes:
Functional analysis:
ID Target Description Validation methods
Strong evidence Less strong evidence
MIRT441332 C19orf26 CACN beta subunit associated regulatory protein 2 4
MIRT451390 FARSA phenylalanyl-tRNA synthetase alpha subunit 2 2
MIRT452310 EIF5AL1 eukaryotic translation initiation factor 5A-like 1 2 2
MIRT455043 MEN1 menin 1 2 2
MIRT455256 DDX39B DExD-box helicase 39B 2 10
MIRT461279 COX10 COX10, heme A:farnesyltransferase cytochrome c oxidase assembly factor 2 2
MIRT464945 TXLNA taxilin alpha 2 4
MIRT468043 SIK1 salt inducible kinase 1 2 2
MIRT472523 NACC1 nucleus accumbens associated 1 2 2
MIRT472929 MSN moesin 2 2
MIRT473247 MIDN midnolin 2 2
MIRT475828 HDGF heparin binding growth factor 2 2
MIRT478744 CS citrate synthase 2 2
MIRT480081 CALR calreticulin 2 2
MIRT483482 STMN3 stathmin 3 2 4
MIRT483643 QSOX2 quiescin sulfhydryl oxidase 2 2 4
MIRT483721 THSD4 thrombospondin type 1 domain containing 4 2 2
MIRT484539 BARHL1 BarH like homeobox 1 2 6
MIRT486041 WSCD1 WSC domain containing 1 2 4
MIRT486142 SIX5 SIX homeobox 5 2 6
MIRT486498 MYH11 myosin heavy chain 11 2 2
MIRT486977 STEAP3 STEAP3 metalloreductase 2 4
MIRT487279 AGPAT6 glycerol-3-phosphate acyltransferase 4 2 4
MIRT487742 MIB2 mindbomb E3 ubiquitin protein ligase 2 2 2
MIRT487987 RXRB retinoid X receptor beta 2 2
MIRT488338 PAX2 paired box 2 2 2
MIRT488668 WWP2 WW domain containing E3 ubiquitin protein ligase 2 2 4
MIRT488752 FXYD1 FXYD domain containing ion transport regulator 1 2 2
MIRT488812 TBC1D28 TBC1 domain family member 28 2 2
MIRT489380 RAB11B RAB11B, member RAS oncogene family 2 2
MIRT489744 TACC3 transforming acidic coiled-coil containing protein 3 2 2
MIRT489960 GNB2 G protein subunit beta 2 2 2
MIRT490418 VPS51 VPS51, GARP complex subunit 2 4
MIRT490639 FEM1A fem-1 homolog A 2 2
MIRT491086 MSI1 musashi RNA binding protein 1 2 4
MIRT491298 VGF VGF nerve growth factor inducible 2 4
MIRT491366 SLC12A5 solute carrier family 12 member 5 2 2
MIRT492464 RASD1 ras related dexamethasone induced 1 2 4
MIRT492872 NFIX nuclear factor I X 2 2
MIRT492951 NEUROD2 neuronal differentiation 2 2 2
MIRT493704 H2AFX H2A histone family member X 2 2
MIRT493977 EIF1 eukaryotic translation initiation factor 1 2 4
MIRT500360 ZNF385A zinc finger protein 385A 2 2
MIRT501154 SLC10A7 solute carrier family 10 member 7 2 6
MIRT509625 RRP7A ribosomal RNA processing 7 homolog A 2 4
MIRT512232 ATG2A autophagy related 2A 2 8
MIRT529822 ARGFX arginine-fifty homeobox 2 4
MIRT531179 SIGLEC12 sialic acid binding Ig like lectin 12 (gene/pseudogene) 2 2
MIRT538971 BCL7A BCL tumor suppressor 7A 2 2
MIRT548357 ENTPD5 ectonucleoside triphosphate diphosphohydrolase 5 2 4
MIRT553634 TJAP1 tight junction associated protein 1 2 2
MIRT558050 EVI5L ecotropic viral integration site 5 like 2 2
MIRT562548 CCDC71L coiled-coil domain containing 71 like 2 4
MIRT568941 RUNX3 runt related transcription factor 3 2 2
MIRT569114 ONECUT3 one cut homeobox 3 2 2
MIRT573591 CERS1 ceramide synthase 1 2 2
MIRT619317 ARHGAP18 Rho GTPase activating protein 18 2 2
MIRT621202 ARPC1B actin related protein 2/3 complex subunit 1B 2 2
MIRT628844 FAM151B family with sequence similarity 151 member B 2 2
MIRT670497 LYRM4 LYR motif containing 4 2 2
MIRT670545 SHISA2 shisa family member 2 2 2
MIRT671026 PCDHB2 protocadherin beta 2 2 2
MIRT688989 ATP6AP1 ATPase H+ transporting accessory protein 1 2 2
MIRT709275 MAPK8IP2 mitogen-activated protein kinase 8 interacting protein 2 2 2
MIRT715084 ELOF1 elongation factor 1 homolog 2 2
MIRT718348 NPBWR1 neuropeptides B and W receptor 1 2 2
MIRT737406 MMP7 matrix metallopeptidase 7 2 0
miRNA-Drug Resistance Associations
miRNA Drug Name CID NSC FDA Effect/Pattern Detection Method Level Phenotype Condition
hsa-mir-4697 Ceritinib 57379345 NSC776422 approved sensitive cell line (H3122)
hsa-miR-4697-5p Fulvestrant 17756771 NSC719276 approved resistant High Breast Cancer cell line (MCF-7)
hsa-miR-4697-5p Paclitaxel 36314 NSC125973 approved resistant High Breast Cancer cell line (Bads-200, Bats-72, BCap37)
hsa-miR-4697-5p Cisplatin 5460033 NSC119875 approved sensitive cell line (CAL-27) (total RNA)
hsa-miR-4697-5p Osimertinib 71496458 NSC779217 approved resistant cell line (H1975)
hsa-miR-4697-5p Cisplatin 5460033 NSC119875 approved resistant cell line (MGC-803)
hsa-miR-4697-5p Cisplatin 5460033 NSC119875 approved sensitive cell line (A2780)
hsa-miR-4697-5p Neoadjuvant chemotherapy resistant tissue (breast cancer)
hsa-miR-4697-5p Gemcitabine 60750 NSC613327 approved sensitive cell line (PANC-1) (100 ng/ml)
hsa-miR-4697-5p Gemcitabine 60750 NSC613327 approved sensitive cell line (PANC-1) (1500 ng/ml)

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